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Ginny promotes the evolution of interspecies consciousness by supporting humans and animals in understanding how prior trauma is effecting their relationships.
She is a Soul Embodiment Coach, Clairvoyant, Intuitive Practitioner, Animal Communicator, Teacher, Author and Podcast Host.
"Standing at his right side (the sore side) as he snoozed I mentioned in passing, “We’re gonna be talking with Ginny tomorrow.” He woke up instantly and turned all the way around to look at me intently. Yup. He understands me I thought. We soon finished our time together and I unsnapped him from the crossties. He put his huge head into my chest. I mentally braced. Was he going to nip or push me around? Instead, he began to lick my right hand, slowly and thoroughly. Bliss. The he went on to do the same for my left hand. My heart exploded with happiness."
[An excerpt from the complete testimonial]
Deborah Bauserman, Ed.D
Retired Clinical Psychologist
In 2001 Ginny retired from a career in international security to focus on resolving emerging medical issues. In 2012 she suffered a near death experience when Fentanyl, a prescription opioid medication, caused her lungs to stop working. Following this event she began to see, sense, and feel energies in very dramatic ways for which she had no intellectual context. She was certain of one thing only: If she wanted to understand what was happening to her she needed to live, and that meant discontinuing all prescription medication. In her desire to regain control over her own health and well-being, she eagerly pursued alternative therapies and began educating herself in esoteric philosophies.
After spending a considerable amount of time and money on healers she was surprised to find her attempts at being healed by others were not effective. During energy healing sessions facilitated by others she could see the energy moving but following each session the energy would ALWAYS return to her. Her Soul made it clear that giving her power away to "Healers," those who actively engage in energetically "healing" others while simultaneously disempowering them, was no longer an option.
She was shown many lifetimes where she had chosen this path and interfered with the journey to self-awareness and evolution of other Souls. She was guided to learn from those lifetimes, integrate the skills and wisdom accumulated, and adopt a more evolved understanding of the "Healer as Teacher or Wisdom Carrier." Remarkably, she found this approach empowered others, helped them to remember the truth of who they truly are, and promoted self-awareness on an entirely new level.
Further, as she studied the esoteric spiritual philosophies behind many ancient healing traditions, she began to recognize that most healing modalities addressed only superficial issues, not the underlying cause; and some provided helpful information, but few useful or effective tools as to how to integrate the new insights in order to achieve lasting healing.
Practically, Ginny found it was much more difficult for her and others around her to be one with the "Is-ness" that the Yogis and other Siddhas (Masters) in the East discussed. People in the West were experiencing much more subconscious limitation, disconnection from our hearts, and required a far greater conscious understanding of their psycho-spiritual being and luminous architecture in order to move forward. In other words, she found that self-empowerment did not always present itself in the form of a single choice, but in the form of remembering step-by-step how to reclaim the power to make that choice, and ultimately their own sovereignty.
Ginny ultimately came to the realization that she had to take responsibility for healing herself through an ever-increasing awareness of herself as a spirit in a human body. When she made this shift in perspective, she was able to benefit from the support of those “Healers” who could share helpful information regarding the unfinished business of the Soul she could not yet identify within her own being. Healing was much more complicated than she ever imagined!
This sent her on a quest for answers: How does energy medicine work? What is the scientific basis or nexus of body and soul? What is the missing consciousness and self-awareness component? What are the differences between the many popular contemporary healing modalities? How does energy flow and why do unhealed wounds it often manifest as pain? More importantly, why does it often return following healing sessions for herself and others? All these questions and more were answered on her journey!
Since her second (of three) near death experience in 2012 Ginny has been able to perceive multiple energetic constructs and communicate telepathically with plants, animals, and the spirits of those who have crossed over. As a result of this event, she spontaneously expressed an array of the identified "psychic" senses, the most prevalent being Clairvoyance – clear inner sight; Clairsentience – clear feeling of physical and emotional sensations; Clairaudience – clear hearing; and Claircognizance - clear knowing.
Inspired to understand and create boundaries around her abilities, she studied extensively and eventually became a practitioner of several alternative energy healing modalities. But these modalities did not teach about boundaries, the lack of them, or energetic self-awareness at all. They simply taught protocols and processes that many could not grasp, leaving large numbers of people to feel as if they had failed, yet walking away with the certification anyway. Ginny has identified many important elements that were missing from the various classes she was taking and has distilled this much needed wisdom into her self-awareness and psychic development classes for everyone to benefit from.
On her journey, she was always encouraged enthusiastically by her teachers to share her gifts with others. After years of healing herself, and after she came to understand her abilities and establish appropriate boundaries, she slowly entered the realm of offering intuitive energy medicine for others. It became clear that many of her clients had similar life experiences, or had made Soul choices that closely resembled her own.
As her work evolved, and during her sessions with people, animals would frequently present themselves with requests for healing or messages for their owners in an attempt to resolve conflict or misunderstanding. It soon became clear that her healing path was going to include animals and she eagerly pursued animal specific training including body work, energy work and animal communication.
Ginny's primary goal is to promote interspecies evolution, the evolution of consciousness awareness on our planet. She frequently travels across the country speaking at conferences, and appearing on podcasts where she shares her near death experiences and personal healing journey with others. She is committed to sharing the knowledge and tools she has accumulated along the way.
To continue reading in greater detail about Ginny and her life's experiences, please click here or scroll down for more information.
"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." -Jane Goodall
"It has been my experience that it is highly uncommon to encounter a person whose perspective and actions in life reflect both the ability to embrace the highly spiritual/metaphysical and at the same time engage in the practical, harsh realities of the “heavy lifting” of basic survival in “real life.” Over the past ten years as I have walked the path with Ginny during her recovery from mis-diagnosis, opioid dependency and near-death to a fulfilling and highly functional life, I have come to respect her as being one of those special people. Her message about this path is simultaneously spiritually uplifting and grounded in the hard realities of life."
Wayne Bennett, DC, DABCO
Arizona Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Past President, Arizona Association of Chiropractic
"Our experience working with Ginny has been nothing but positive. She is one of the most kind, caring and compassionate people we’ve had the privilege of meeting. Both my husband and I felt a very strong connection to her. In the years that I’ve owned my horse General I have never seen him run, play or buck. He is running, jumping, rearing and rolling and he is as full of energy and life as I have ever seen him."
--Amber B.
"I know there are many people in this industry that may take advantage of people, but Ginny is not one of them. I highly recommend her. She is selfless. I could not recommend her enough. My Sammie thanks her, because he is a different doggie. Thank you, Ginny, for helping us."
--Charlotte M.
"I want to share with you firstly, you're an amazing, gifted and loving woman. Thank you so much for showing up (even when you have so much going on), going out of you way and gifting us with your knowledge and experience. I love your classes and look forward to them each time."
--Irene C.
A New Podcast!
Interspecies Evolution
This Podcast is dedicated to exploring animal consciousness and promotes the evolution of interspecies partnerships and communication.
Articles Written About Ginny
"I first met Ginny in 2003 when she came to me seeking advice in my role as the Redlands, CA Chief of Police. During our initial visit her dedication to her community and not for profit endeavors became abundantly clear. I subsequently became aware of her other activities within the community [and] I continued to support her efforts throughout the years... She also successfully funded and implemented a charitable quilting and training program in the Glen Helen Rehabilitation Center, San Bernardino County's Women's Correctional Facility, for which she received honors from the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors.
In addition, her grant writing and Community Wildfire Fuels Reduction Program efforts on behalf of the San Bernardino County Fire Department, local fire departments and several of the county's Fire Safe Councils brought our region much needed awareness and funding; and contributed to many homes and communities being spared the ravaging effects of wildfire over the years.
Ginny is one of those rare, dedicated and selfless individuals who will work hard for no personal gain simply because she is motivated to do the right thing. She is one of the most dedicated individuals I have ever had the pleasure to work with. I support her ongoing efforts to bring awareness regarding the current opioid crisis and our public health care policies. She has experienced a unique and trying set of life events that both qualify and motivate her to contribute to this conversation."
-- Chief James Bueermann (Ret) President, National Police Foundation, Washington DC
In 2001, Ginny retired from a career in international security to focus on resolving emerging medical issues. As the years passed she discovered that traditional allopathic medical treatments had not been effective in addressing her compounding symptoms. More than a decade later these were identified as a combination of Lyme, PTSD and various degenerative rheumatoid conditions. In her desire to regain her health and recover from the toxic effects of various prescription medications, which at one time had caused her heart and lungs to stop working, she eagerly pursued alternative therapies and healing. She researched a variety of alternative healing modalities and traveled extensively to receive healing from many "masters."
After her early retirement, she and her husband began purchasing/rescuing and rehabbing traumatized performance horses, one of her life's passions. She accomplished this with the assistance of a cadre of industry professionals. Much to her surprise she experienced, in a purely natural way, the unintended and beneficial therapeutic effects that animals, especially horses, have on humans. These effects are now widely studied and promoted through the increasing popularity of Equine Assisted Therapy programs. Being with her horses on a regular basis greatly improved her sense of well being. Although her symptoms of PTSD began to diminish her physical condition continued to deteriorate. As her health declined, she realized it was not safe for her to train or ride her own horses and she no longer had the energy it took to maintain a ranch. After placing one of her own horses in an equine sanctuary in 2010 she immediately began volunteering there. For more than a year she spent what little energy she had grooming horses and donkeys at the sanctuary until she no longer had the strength and could no longer drive a car.
Less than a year later, in 2012, she had a profound near-death experience (NDE) when her brain forgot to tell her lungs to breathe and her heart stopped beating. Even though she was ready to leave this life, the horses and donkeys would not let her. They called her back telling her that she had something important to accomplish. Following this experience she aggressively pursued alternative healing to overcome her unresolved illnesses, discontinue prescription medications and clear her body and mind.
Immediately after this experience she began to see multi-dimensional layers of energy all around her, and was aware that animals and plants reached out to her telepathically sharing messages. In an effort to more fully understand these messages, and her unusual abilities, she embarked on an incredible pilgrimage of personal healing. Over the years she has invested more than 20,000 hours toward her education. She has studied numerous spiritual philosophies and pursued certification in a number of healing modalities (referenced below) including those of different indigenous peoples from around the world. She has also read scores of books and traveled extensively to attend spiritual, educational and training retreats and seminars.
Over and over again Ginny realized that the individual skills she was being taught were only part of a larger picture. She discovered that because she could see energy she intuitively knew how to go beyond each method she studied. She knew which healing modalities worked for her and those that did not. When a specific modality did not work for her, but seemingly worked for others, she dug deep into the cause and effect of these imbalanced energies to identify and release blocks and/or resistance to healing. Because of this, she was able to combine her accumulated knowledge and skill to enhance her understanding of the interconnection of body, mind and spirit.
Well into her own journey, Ginny began her intuitive healing career focusing on humans. As time passed, she became spontaneously aware of the animals in her clients' lives as well. They frequently presented themselves in her human sessions with messages and healing requests. This contact piqued her interest and caused her to remember the animals' message from her NDE. As a result, she began to shift her educational focus to animal specific healing techniques and animal communication. She soon discovered that in the animal healing community, even more so than the human one, the consciousness and trauma component was completely overlooked. Additionally, there was a distinct absence of honoring the sovereignty of the animals' Souls as many of the modalities she studied were clearly violating the sovereignty of the animals. Over a period of two years, she slowly began working with both animals and their caretakers. Ginny is now dedicated to improving human and animal relationships through a greater understanding and the release of the energetic imprints of previous trauma. (To find out what people have to say about Ginny's work click here.)
For several years, Ginny eagerly immersed herself in the indigenous teachings of the late Benny LeBeau, also known as Rainbow Thunder Heart or "Bavado Tatun Corazon." Bavado was a Tribal Elder and respected Medicine Man of the Eastern Shoshone Nation, hailing from the Wind River Indian Reservation in Fort Washakie, Wyoming. He was also a member of the Spiritual Elders of Mother Earth, a group of indigenous prophetic seed carriers of North America. Ginny traveled with Bavado to study our sacred relationship with all life from his many medicine wheel ceremonies and lectures celebrated across the world. He often spoke about the prophecies of the Rainbow Warriors and the Eagle and the Condor, the times which we are now in. To hear a message from Bavado, and learn more about his legacy, click here. For more information about his education and teachings please connect to the Earth Wisdom Foundation website, or watch this documentary about his passionate work to end the drought of Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino National Forest.
Since Bavado's death, Ginny has been an avid supporter of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers; she has continued her shamanic studies with a Mayan Elder, Grandmother Flordemayo, and Jan Engles-Smith of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism. Ginny first traveled to Australia in 2014, and was introduced to the healing paradigm and LORE of the Aboriginal people. She continues studying Aboriginal Healing and LORE today with Steve Richards, a native Aboriginal-Australian.
Ginny is also a Certified Bio-Well Practitioner (trained by the late Dr. Tiffany Barsotti), Certified Cognomovement Practitioner (Bill McKenna and Liz Larson), Certified Heart Math Facilitator, Certified Shiatsu Massage Therapist for both huorses and humans (award winning Dr. G. Whiting) and has studied with world renown healers such as Dr. V. Vernon Woolf (Holodynamics), Georgina Cannon (Hypnotic Regression and Spirit Release), Julie Renee Doering (Quantum Healing), Isa Gucciardi (Buddhism, Spirituality & Meditative Techniques), Michael J. Tamura (Clairvoyance, Spiritual & Psychic Development Level III), Andrew Holecek (Death and Dying, The Bardo Teachings: Tibetan Book of the Dead), Dr. Paul Mills and Dr. Tiffany Barsotti (Personal Self Integration created by Dr. Harvery Grady), GW Hardin (A Course in Wonders I-III), Donna Eden (Eden Energy Medicine), Roger Ford (Holistic Healing III), Carolyn Myss, Robert Ohotto (Archetypes & the Empathic Soul), Dr. Bradley Nelson (Emotion Code, Body Code), and numerous other alternative contemporary healing modalities.
Applying her experiences working intuitively with people, Ginny also works with rescued/traumatized animals utilizing animal communication, intuitive work, and she is certified in very specific hands on healing modalities such as: Equine Shiatsu Massage, Equine Pain and Stress Point Release, Equine Craniosacral Therapy, Equine Hanna Somatics, Canine and Feline Acupressure, and Healing Touch for Animals level II. She has studied animal communication extensively and been greatly inspired by the work of industry pioneers Penelope Smith, Val Heart and the brilliant equine and animal advocacy work of Animal Communicator and Author, Margrit Coates, of the UK.
From 2007-2009 both Ginny and her husband attended the Vaquero School of Horsemanship in Redlands, CA. The school was founded by Dale McCarrell who was Ginny's mentor. Dale had a unique relationship with horses that was forged at an early age with the help of his mentors, Tom and Bill Dorrance. Dale's grandfather was employed by the Dorrance family and as a young boy Dale spent summers on their ranch and was greatly influenced by their methods and philosophies. Later in life he dedicated himself to the traditions of the Vaquero. He did this in combination with the more contemporary, natural and humane horsemanship methods and sensibilities of the Dorrance family and Ray Hunt. Sadly, Dale passed away in early 2016. He will be missed by all who trained with him and shared his dedication to and love of horses.
One of Ginny's passions is to speak publicly about the over prescription of opioids and narcotic medication, especially when alternative healing methods could be used to address issues of chronic pain caused by unresolved emotions. She is very active in lobbying at the state (AZ) and federal level in regard to the opioid crisis. Her goal is to support the fields of chiropractic, osteopathic and integrative medicine and to promote other healing alternatives that have the potential to significantly decrease the use of unnecessary prescription drugs in our country.
Ginny frequently volunteers with professionals from many areas of the canine and equestrian community. This includes rescue organizations, conservatories and equine assisted therapy programs which serve military veterans, women and children. She also hosts Horse Medicine Workshops with her partners in Colorado, California, Maryland and Texas throughout the year. When she is at home in Arizona she frequently hosts intuitive equine healing sessions with her own horses and donkeys.
Here are some comments from long time associates of Ginny:
"I've seen Ginny go from a non-healthy individual, nearly bed ridden, afraid to leave the house even on good days and never drove a car or was ever alone to being an independent adventurer, exploring new opportunities and venturing out solo, traveling wherever her next adventure directs her. What a beautiful metamorphosis to witness. What a success story that I'm honored to share."
-- Diane V.
"I met Ginny some years ago when I was involved with a group of people who closed down an equine hoarding situation in Chino Valley. She and I worked as treasurers and she took in some of the horses. I felt a great affinity and resonance with her and our conversations were always interesting. She had been very ill and was under heavy medication, was weak and physically frail. Nonetheless, she was able to get work done from her home with the help of her amazing husband. We talked a lot about what animals and horses say to us and she met my horse, Indigo, who has a lot to say. Personally, I get feelings and inklings from critters, and she gets pictures, physical sensations, and words, she encouraged me to listen to Indigo, who wanted me to hear him.
After the closing of the hoarding stable, I lost track of her, for a few years... And then I find her on Facebook, traveling all over the place, communicating with traumatized horses, healing and helping. “Is this the same friend who was so ill?” It had been 4 or 5 years since I’d seen her... she couldn’t walk down the street, back then. We’d made a date to visit and catch up in town, but it got canceled. Today she came to visit me and her confidence and scope have skyrocketed, because of all the education and experience and opening and healing she has gone through, since the last time I’ve seen her.
WOW, Ginny, I’m so glad you are back among the living!!! The horses and I thank you, for your insights and healing and help!!"
--Peg M
Blue was Ginny's personal horse, a rescue that everyone said could never be controlled and would kill her. He came to be the keystone to her healing herd of Medicine Horses on her ranch in Arizona. Blue was loved by all who met him. He challenged everyone, every day, to be their authentic self and live with integrity.
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