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Everyone tells me I should shorten these client testimonials to one or two sentence blurbs. Read a few recent testimonials below or visit my testimonial archive and you'll see exactly why I can't do that.
Anyone can get a few people to say something nice about them, but that's not why these heartfelt stories of overcoming challenges and trauma are posted here.
Real people with real animals have shared their experiences with me, and I am sharing them with you as written. Scroll through and choose four or five and you'll understand just how powerful this work is.
For an archive of prior years' client testimonials, click here.
I have thought about how to put into words the transformative experience of Ginny’s visit. The visit was astounding for me because it provided so much clarity and information to my lifelong questions, all the while healing my soul.
Her gifts are multiple layers of intuition, clairvoyance, a nurturing touch, attended listening, watching body language, and taking in the nuance of movement and breath. I witnessed again and again animals responding, acknowledging and engaging her in communication. She touched each soul be it horse or human. It was in these moments I could feel that we are spiritual beings, in different shells traveling thru this physical experience called our life.
Her unique talents create an opportunity to heal, to release the negative and embrace the positive. She creates a sacred space that eliminates confusion, doubt and frustration. In my mind I call it your 'Heartside.' I have written about ‘Heartside’ but have never seen it working, healing, teaching and touching. [See below]
I have long understood its existence, but Ginny makes it happen. She moves effortlessly through a multi-dimensional realm calling upon selected gifts of information that serve the goal of her healing. Each meeting is different, each session needs its’ own set of tools. She holds access to the sacred meridians, chakras, intuition, non-verbal communication, shiatsu massage, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, acupressure, muscle reset, negotiating the somatic matrix for muscle and tissue symmetry. Ginny holds the mysterious notions of the unseen with tangible healing hands.
I would rush to make a meeting with Ginny a top priority in ones life. She will no doubt sky rocket into huge demand. Her work is just that phenomenal.
“I’ll travel to the new unknown, expectedly become vulnerable, and ask my physical self to be silent. I will call upon my spirit and heart. Your spirit, or heartside is where the breaking down of boundaries begins. Love and understanding live there.”
--Lynn Hummer, Aptos, CA
I’ve had the privilege of “owning” horses for 40 years (more accurately, partnering). Most were born and raised on our farm so trust was a given. Horses that came into my life as adults often had noticeable baggage from their earlier experiences that I couldn’t quite put my finger on but worked with or around. Now in my 70’s, no longer raising horses, I felt I was searching for my last horse, hopefully well-trained and willing to keep an elderly person safe. This time I had the good sense to do my search with my long time trainer, a former advanced level event rider and sought after instructor. A smart move because I was unfit from health problems in the preceding years and needed her help to assess our candidates. By now I had a “been there, done that” outlook toward competition, but I had the idea I’d like to resume foxhunting, no longer for the adrenaline rushes but for the camaraderie of horse lovers and the opportunity to ride in some of the most scenic areas Virginia has to offer.
My first visit Stellar was love at first sight. Although he’s strikingly beautiful, it was more a sense of his powerful energy field that pulled me right in to stand by his shoulder. ( In retrospect, of course! His heart chakra.) All I could think of to say was “he’s so big!” At 16.3 hands, he towered over me. My mind said ‘this will never work. How am I supposed to mount him?’ and ‘it’s a long way to the ground.’ My trainer also had reservations. His size guaranteed a power and a kind of movement I was wholly unused to from my years with much smaller Connemaras. But his resume sounded good – 2 years of foxhunting and eventing experience, exactly the combination I was looking for. In retrospect, we should have been more wary that he’d accomplished so much in his young life, at 6 years of age. Over our several trials, his sweet temperament won me over and I knew we were meant to be together. That was a year and a half ago.
Our bonding was immediately complicated when I came down with covid and was out of commission for more than a month. Then our trainer became ill and also lost a month of instruction for me and training for Stellar. Then the barn manager closed the barn to the horse owners with no plans to reopen out of covid fears so I was forced to move him again to another barn where we started to settle in. To say both of us were stressed by now is an understatement.
It gradually became clear that Stellar was in pain and an unhappy horse. He constantly bit and chewed on his cross ties, lead lines and reins and nipped at me. The barn manager was afraid to enter his pasture at feeding time (I learned later) because he was so aggressive around his feed. It was difficult to find pasture mates due to his intimidations and wounding. When pasture mates were found, he went about removing and destroying their fly masks and sheets. He was noticeably weak and undeveloped in his hind quarters from lack of proper earlier training. Bending movements were strained and difficult. Most difficult of all for me was his explosive reaction to being put in groups of riders. I was in fear for my life and wondered if I would ever be able to ride with others, much less fox hunt. Nevertheless, we moved ahead gently, patiently with regular work and progress was slowly made.
I’m not sure how, but I got the idea it was time to work with an animal communicator (telepathic message from Stellar?). I began an in-depth search through a directory I was referred to. Ginny stood out rather quickly. I especially liked her knowledge of energetic healing which offered the prospect of both information and direct healing from her storehouse of experience. We were about to make a quantum leap in change for the better.
The substance of our first session confirmed the locations of muscular-skeletal pain and history of abuse which we had suspected. Ginny recommended immediate treatment by a well qualified horse chiropractor. The chiropractor confirmed all of the areas of pain Ginny indicated. After the very first chiropractic treatment, I had a new horse. His movement became more fluid and relaxed. We went on two trail rides with a small group of riders and he was Mr. Mellow. Best yet, he started signaling real affection to me. I was delighted and uplifted. By now, I realized just how much he liked hearing my voice and understood every meaning so I began regular conversations with him.
After his second chiropractic treatment (by a wonderful integrative practitioner), he was due for his follow-up session with Ginny. By now I was using new grooming/massage techniques that augmented his healing and relaxation. We had finished our training ride, tactfully around with his still sore areas and were in the wash stall for his final bit of loving care. Standing at his right side (the sore side) as he snoozed I mentioned in passing, “We’re gonna be talking with Ginny tomorrow.” He woke up instantly and turned all the way around to look at me intently. Yup. He understands me I thought. We soon finished our time together and I unsnapped him from the crossties. He put his huge head into my chest. I mentally braced. Was he going to nip or push me around? Instead, he began to lick my right hand, slowly and thoroughly. Bliss. The he went on to do the same for my left hand. My heart exploded with happiness.
Yesterday we spoke with Ginny. With his physical healing well underway, she was able to move into more refined levels. Ginny bubbled over with information I’m still processing but was able to hang on to a key point: he’s an advanced soul working on challenging issues of his own and to a degree, mine. I’m humbled and in awe to realize Stellar and I have been put together to help each other in our soul evolutions through Ginny’s generous sharing of her magnificent gifts. Thank you Ginny! From my heart to yours.
Deborah Bauserman, Ed.D
Retired Clinical Psychologist
Thank you for your heart, your insight, and your willingness to share with the world."
--L. Leskinen
You're a life saver. I haven't been sleeping since I moved here and now thanks to your amazing gift and knowledge I'm able to do that. Less tossing and turning. When I relax to this point I finally realize how much I've been missing and restful sleep. Thank you so much.
--Irene C.
Since we last talked over a year ago our family has come full circle. [My son] is doing amazing and my husband and I began a spiritual journey together about a year ago and are beyond grateful and humbled by the blessings we are receiving. I have you to thank for much of it. Thank you for guiding me and helping myself and my sons.
--Noelle A.
You are one of my true influencers, Ginny! Who I was became 'who I am' after meeting you!
--A. Burke
I want to thank you again for helping me on Friday and for allowing me into the groups. Your sharing of your journey, experience, insights and knowledge, along with your immense heart (modeling unconditional love, forgiveness, healing, harmlessness) is a great gift to me and I believe everyone feels grateful as well.
I have learned, remembered, faced and started healing in a way I did not know was available or possible. You have shined a light on pathways for healing each of us can walk in our own way and time should we choose to do so, and I feel safe having you guide, support and teach us.
After your help, I am in a much better place. So much of what you share each week resonates deeply with me and opens new places for healing.
--Elissa W.
Sending you much love, you’ve been a wonderful teacher to me. Financially it hasn’t been feasible for me to come again, but there were two wonderful insights from that one session -one that really helped expand Into an area of self I had not realized. And also a practice that you taught me that has been transformative.
--Lara, Vancouver, Canada
I highly recommend Ginny Jablonski 's courses and work to anyone seeking deeper levels of self awareness and deeper understanding of the healing process -- whether that be of self, others or animals.
In addition to having studied many healing modalities, Ginny has traversed the inner world to understand their most resonant truths. Her journey has been unique and validates realities many do not even know or speak of. Her own intuitive and psychic abilities combine with her deeply compassionate nature to support your learning process beautifully.
This is not text book learning but self-becoming in the most wonderful sense.
--A. Burke
It is an honor to work with Ginny and have intuitive space facilitated and held by her. The appreciation and respect that I have for her and how she holds space in our sessions is unmatched by any other human intuitive experiences I have had to this point in my life.
Ginny is masterful in her ability to intuit and share messages/information in a way that purely allows one agency in their own healing and experience. This is what I value most in our sessions.
If you want someone to influence your journey - tell you what to do, how to be, and how to heal - look elsewhere. If you want to claim agency in your own intuitive and healing journey - Ginny is where you will find that.
Our journeys together have been real and powerful. I appreciate her trust in my journey and with the material that is revealed at the time. I trust her as a partner in my own spiritual work, integration, and healing - work that I do not take lightly.
Ginny is compassionate, responsible and has outstanding boundaries which I have found deeply supportive. I am grateful for Ginny and all that she is and holds in this lifetime.
--Susan J.
[After last night's class] I felt a shift incorporating my childhood selves and some teen to twenties. My Higher Self and I worked on it and then [used the] Cognomovement ball.
I really felt them gather to me, play in the river of forgiveness (because I have some playful selves) and while doing the Cogno ball I felt a flame wash through me with physical motion and “we blended”.
I had something else just happen doing the same thing as I did before: clearing, meditating, tapping and the Cogno ball. I’m trying to release my financial blocks.
I had the realization that it wasn’t mine, my ex had [projected onto me his financial insecurities]. I sent it back to him and asked it to transmute away. It wasn’t mine!
It never dawned on me it could [belong to] someone else. Isn’t this stuff just wonderful!❣ It feels so Good!❣
I feel like I’ve found a path to release anything that’s ever stopped me. Granted it’s homework or Self Work but how wonderfully freeing.
There were tears at first but, my Gratitude to YOU for helping me open my Eyes and Heart to a new understanding of true and honest healing is immeasurable.️
Whole Hearted Thank You,
Though I've been quiet in class, I want to share with you how impactful the course, and you coming into my life, has been. So many new dimensions of self and universe have been opening up for me.
After our initial phone meeting, you told me to look for signs of confirmation that we may have been meant to connect, and in that following week I had a dream unlike any I'd ever had. It was a poignant & still image of my torso during meditation, in which I was looking down and had tattoos of two guns, one on each forearm with a bullet tattooed on my wrist.
I have no tattoos and no interest in guns, but the image was paired with a feeling of deep importance that the guns were aligned perfectly so that the bullet leaving one gun would land in the mouth of the other gun. A strong emphasis on perfect precision. The two guns and bullet also made up the number 1-0-8, which is particularly significant to me. I woke up very confused, and very aware that this was important in some way.
Later that week I decided to learn more about you by watching some YouTube interviews, where I learned that you were a precision shooter, and I couldn't believe some part of me knew this, and curated an image of our two worlds colliding. It shook me. This is just one example of the wild new experiences my world has been opened to in the last 3+ months.
My deepest gratitude,
--Chelsea G.
Ginny's sessions filled me with joy, peace and confirmation. She leads with love, authenticity, integrity, honesty, curiosity and joy- to name a few.
She genuinely offers her full presence and honors what wants to arise and holds space on many levels simultaneously. I appreciate how and what she conveys on her website.
A key piece that inspired me to connect with her was the fact she established a clear boundary by requesting little information so that she can communicate clearly without interference with past stories and facts.
I highly recommend Ginny to anyone who resonates and feels a nudge to connect with her Medicine, she has an amazing gift that supports people, animals and this earth.
With all our love,
--Chelsea, Beau & Simba
I met Ginny with the goal of getting to the root of some behavior issues with my dog as our life was transitioning. Ginny was able to identify my divorce and the impact it had on my dog, and I said nothing about our struggles and she called it out spot on!
Over the years I have periodically scheduled appointments with Ginny to touch base with my dog to make sure he is satisfied. It has unlocked a depth in our relationship that I had no idea was possible. We are in sync with each other, and our quality of life continues to improve immensely.
Thank you!
--Melanie E.
Wanted to thank you again for a life altering session yesterday! I’m already reading Journey of Souls. Can’t wait to use more of the tools [you’ve provided]! With Gratitude,
I just wanted to thank you for yesterday's offering [with the herd]. I did actually experience something while the horses were singing the first time. I'm going through a divorce right now and even prior to that have been on my own spiritual journey. I felt during the horses' singing this sense of hope, which hasn't been easy lately, and release - I haven't mourned much during this divorce period and felt such a huge rush of emotion, crying actually, which I haven't done in a long time.
I moved out of my home and started this new job all in a matter of a week. I recognize that going through such a difficult period can leave one open to all kinds of things so I've been practicing what I've learned in a very brief period from you nearly daily. So, thanks again for yesterday. May you have a blessed day.
--M. N.
When you answered my emergency call, you helped us unconditionally and immediately. With your words you helped me immediately let go of fear, and provided a gateway from grief, and the unknown of the circumstance. You unlocked the illusion of fear and spoke divine truth.
I immediately went into action for my daughter's beloved mare. I told her I would help her and figure out what was going on with her.
In her critical condition, I was able to help her and yes, I figured out what was wrong. Today Millee is happy, loving and more comfortable than she has ever been is 10 years. In gratitude, All-Ways,
--Sharon G.
"You are a wonderful human and special soul who gives profound unconditional love. The animals that know you are blessed and they leave you with their own blessings."
--Margit Coates, Author and Animal Advocate, UK
"I just want to let you know that my experience with self-inquiry tonight was profound. It was truly amazing. I truly feel happy and that an aspect of me was healed from within.
I felt such deep emotion and compassion for my feminine self. I experienced a lot of energy within my body before, during, and especially after this experience.
After I shared what happened I was hit with so much energy throughout my body I had to stretch out on my bed and just vibrate...a lot. Thank you for giving me the tools, love, and support that I need to reemerge into my own power.
I am truly grateful for you. Thank you, Ginny. Thank you ♥️"
Ginny, before I started your class I was always on the treadmill of negative thoughts, I was mastering self pity and indulged in anger like it was an Olympic sport.
I can't say I've stopped doing that completely, but now I am able to catch myself and I am able to choose to say 'No' to those thoughts. Before they were just passing through my mind and I accepted them. They were clearly doing damage to my body and soul while my consciousness was on automatic, absorbing negativity like a sponge.
The tools I learned from you, the explanations, and your own experiences you shared with us are priceless.
They gave me the ability to make that choice.
My heart is filled with gratitude because of our work. I know I will be able to forgive more easily, because I understand the bigger picture of everything through your explanations.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You are golden, Ginny.
--S. S.
I found an equine dentist/oral surgeon in my area. He found Annie to have significant pain in the right TMJ joint which he said is very rare for horses. He said he’s had maybe 1-2 horses in the past 2-3 years present with true TMJ pain. He felt her teeth all “looked normal” and that a steroid injection into the TMJ joint would relieve her pain and inflammation there. I asked him to please x-ray all the teeth on her right side. He agreed to appease me even though he felt it wasn’t necessary.
What do you know the first tooth, behind the bar on the bottom right [just where you indicated] was sclerotic and malformed at the root. When he did the pain test at the jaw she had a significant reaction. Tooth was pulled today. If it weren’t for you none of this would have happened. He said there would have been no way to know with out the x-ray. You are amazing.
--Sharon L.
I want to share with you firstly, you're an amazing, gifted and loving woman. Thank you so much for showing up (even when you have so much going on), going out of you way and gifting us with your knowledge and experience. I love your classes and look forward to them each time.
--I. Calo
I have taken many healing classes and have received certifications in multiple modalities for healing, but hands down the best class I ever participated in was "The Body Series" with Ginny Jablonski. Her gifted teaching style along with the transparent sharing of her own personal stories and experiences allowed me to dive deeply into the intricacies of our divine and beautifully constructed body, leading to many higher levels of understanding for me! I enjoyed the openness of the class which made it easy for me to share my experiences.
This class was outstanding and I highly recommend it! It changed my life!
--H. Rial
"I went through something earlier this year that no one who values family and quick, direct resolution through communication should ever have to experience. I’ve seen others face this variety of hurdle with anger, blame, and victim complaint. Truly, it’s not above my nature to go there; but in this experience I wrestled my own demons and conquered that leaning.
Instead, I constructed a boundary and rather than chase; I stood firm and allowed the process to unfold as it did, removing my attention, channeling personal pain to usefulness.
As universal wisdom would have it, I had scheduled Cognomovement therapeutic sessions with Ginny Jablonski to start just as the proverbial house of cards fell. Perfect timing always on my side, I navigated the depths of my pain, uncovering past traumatic wounding , to show up fully present in my truth and I rolled with the gut-wrenching punches, minimizing harm to myself and others like I have never before.
To be witnessed by someone else actively doing the work of healing was crucial to my success. For her assistance, I am most grateful. I continue to walk in amazement that although the situation has not directly resolved, I am at peace in the process. In fact, the growth that has occurred - the transition to fully committing to my business at hand has brought forth blessings of exponential grace and growth.
A healer, though she would not welcome the label, but will appreciate my personal meaning, is someone who sees you in your tortured state, stands with you, and gently pushes you to navigate your own bullshit in a way that leaves you personally empowered to make thoughtful, helpful advancements in your evolution. Ginny is this.
Her intuitive guidance has left a mark upon my soul that will forever be cherished.
The rest will work itself out because I , in earnest, am working on myself. Praise be to those that cross our path to reveal the way our soul longs to go. I recommend her services in human and animal treatments whole heartedly."
--Misty B.
Just wanted to give you an update on Sachi since our session. Immediately afterwards she was exuding an energy/presence unlike anything I have seen before: very sharp, intelligent, wise, and self-possessed...
In general, since our session her energy has been really good. I can feel much more of her spirit on the surface, she seems more happy, less inhibited, and the love flows easily and plentifully between us.
Re my question about her gas, you had said that she had an intolerance to the food I was giving her. After changing her food accordingly, the gas stopped immediately.
--Hallie S.
I wanted to give you an update since our last session. I am noticing and aware of a big shifting of things in my emotional and mental body, as well as physical body. I have been leaning into a happiness feeling that is welling inside me, and has no apparent reason, just a happy feeling. Each day I am feeling better and happier with "me" and am having fun while working and seeing the extensions of this happiness flowing thru the phone to my customers/clients - which makes me even more happy.
I am having an easier time being in a neutral place when I get triggered and can see it more clearly also. I can see what is mine and what is not mine easier so as not to trip over that crap. Love feeling like I just grew a 1000 more years since last month.
You helped me unblock some big stuck stuff! I feel like a layer of an opaque sheet has been lifted, so I can see more clearly, and identify "stuff" more clearly. Very big difference! I am very thankful for this shift - and you are the direct influence to this shift!
I love your work, your directness, your awareness, and your skills are spot on! I am not trying to pour on the butter here, I am trying to seriously say - I see you, I see your amazing connection, and I appreciate you and your energy and your work tremendously.
Thank you for your presence in my life 💜
--Heather R, TN
I have used many animal communicators and you are the only one I've ever met who actually says what the animal says. I appreciate that you do not embellish or add your own interpretation to their messages. You share their truth and our lives are much better for it.
--Rebecca E.
Thank you 🙏 so much Ginny. You were so helpful and spot on in your reading of my 11 year old cat, Tiki. I am a healer with a massage practice at home. I also do aromatherapy and astrology. Recently both myself and my daughter had entity experiences in the house so I’ve been sageing the house and putting black tourmaline around my house and property.
The energy has lifted and feels so much lighter now. My lesson is to constantly clear and cleanse. I know this but got slack. Tiki listened to this podcast with me and during our reading she looked at me then the phone screen then back at me.
Then just after the reading she began purring so loudly and rolled on her back for a belly rub. She knows I know she’s my protector now and she’s happy about that. Thank you again. Much love from Australia.
"You spoke right to my soul. All of it resonated and needed to be heard/ reminded. Frankie is awesome, he clearly let me know beforehand that “Someone will get a message tonight.” Sure did.
Archetypal detox as I named it was SO necessary to understand why certain actions/behaviors are so deep rooted and on a re- play mode. WOW! You are amazing and also you were shining so bright tonight. Thank you!
--Inga M.
Thank you for the words of support and encouragement. After you told me of the strong feeling that you received about my disbelief that I can heal myself, I started exploring that idea. I found it very interesting because consciously I do believe that I can heal myself. I am familiar with the research that proves this but I’ve been in medicine/nursing/dentistry for the past 40 years. I just retired in August, so my basic belief is that if it’s genetic then it can’t be changed; Genetics is about 85% of our destiny and environment is the remaining 15%. That’s what I grew up believing! Now the work starts to dismantle that strong belief. I know that I will make progress. Thank you for giving me a road map that I so desperately needed to progress. I was feeling a bit stuck, like I needed to do something more or different. It’s so early in the journey, but I just want to thank you again for the guidance and thank you for giving me hope again.
--Lisa G.
I have noticed a kind of “clicking” when Cherry eats. I paid close attention yesterday, after our call on Wed., and it’s coming from the top right of her jaw, the area you were describing where she has some pain.
So interesting!! I am looking for a body worker who can help with that area. Thank you so much!!! Unbelievable!!
The day after our 09/11/21 session, I noticed that I was much more aware of pure awareness. I was "the witness/observer who had thoughts and feelings" rather than "I was my thoughts and feelings." I have had more consistent access to this state of awareness over the past few days than I have every had before. It's been great! I'm looking forward to seeing what else develops! Thanks!
--Carol K
Ginny is an amazing human! She embodies so much wisdom and compassion, anyone who is fortunate enough to work with her will be surely changed.
I worked with her on a health condition that was told to me would be life long. I will update another time on the outcome as time goes on.
The insights and release I experienced during my session regarding my condition with Ginny felt like it was complete. I am forever grateful for the work Ginny did with me today. Truly life changing.
Thank you, Ginny:)
--Coral S.
I cannot thank you enough for the work that you do Ginny.
My ever grumpy cat stops purring ever since he developed seizures many months ago. Even though you worked with me only, today I noticed he has started purring again.
This is so wonderful. God bless you Ginny.
--Threasy N.
There's no way I would have gotten through these last couple of months without you and this modality [Cognomovement]!
--Misty B.
I wanted to send a quick update about Sofia [6 year old]after our session. The first night she had an accident and came into our room but the second night she did not have an accident, although she came into our room also.
After that she has slept in her room and has had no accidents since! And no nightmares whatsoever.
Many many thanks!
Chief's eye [her dog] is also on the mend!
--Claudia V.
I have been going thru a difficult energetic transition that has drastically affected my sleep for more than five weeks. This has required me to move to different places to sleep, including the recliner to stop snoring. Ginny had encouraged me to release any distortion, cords, or emotions that have held me stuck.
I had made some progress on my own, but not enough. Then yesterday she worked with me, and it just took 30 minutes. I suffered thru very low energy the whole day, and them, like a miracle, last night I SLEPT. Almost 11 hours of good solid sleep. I still slept most of the time in my recliner to not wake up my partner, but it was deep restful sleep, and I feel human today. What a blessing!
--Ruth S.
Ginny is someone you need to know! She is a multi-talented, multi faceted healer and animal communicator with a heart like no other human I've met. I was so lucky to get to spend the afternoon with her... as she was traveling through Texas. We met through this group, Horse Heart Connection by Zen Horse, a year and a half ago or so. Look her up and have her visit with your animals. You will be amazed, delighted, humbled... Your perspective will be flipped on its head, and you will learn not only about your animals but about yourself as well.
--Michelle Hefner
To read Michelle's complete account of Ginny's visit to Austin, click here.
I love the knowing! Thrilled to have you on my team/be on yours and am growing by the week with your amazing weekly connection calls!-Desiree
I wanted to thank you for inviting me to this group. I love the way you speak - it reaches me. I love all the “extra” information you give and I need to keep a pen and pad next to me to jot things down.
I was just telling my daughter about grounding and the chakras in your feet and we were both like “wow – that makes sense”. I look forward to the upcoming calls.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
--Lisa C.
Many thanks for a wonderful session today! I feel lighter and ready for the next phase and density to come.
--Rosalia S.
Thank you for all of your support along my journey and for being available for this work. I look forward to our next connection.
It’s been such a long time since we last communicated, via your EVENT course. I’m grateful to say that my life has been swooping upward. It just occurred to me - Am I facing reality or making my own? In particular, I’ve been overflowing with creative inspiration, surely divine in origin, that’s coming out as artwork, with much affirmation from others. Love to you.
--Deb B.
Ginny connected with my cat Pünktchen, who wasn't that well a couple of days ago and helped her release a lot of stuck energy. Not only Pünktchen, but I as well received some healing through the release of some old energy and the communication with Pünktchen was really wonderful.
Pünktchen seemed to feel much better quite quickly and today she brought me a fluffy, dead rat as a thank you. (I would have accepted a thank you without a rat too 🤣)
Thank you so much Ginny for your wonderful communication and healing for Pünktchen.
--Miriam A.
HUGE healing yesterday. I can't thank you enough! I was feeling SO unbalanced and what you provided to us was precisely what my soul needed in that very moment. Thank you, thank you. And since our big session a few Saturdays ago I truly feel SO free.
I can't describe to you how much of a gift you gave me . I'm so grateful, so so grateful, and welcome anything you're feeling called to share, etc.
So much love to you and for you. Thank you for your guidance, and for your gifts.
--Caitlin S.
What a wonderful opportunity for people to experience your gifts, Ginny! Both sessions I have had with you have been so enriching and helped me to know both myself and my animal better.
--Abhinna B.
Thank you so much Ginny! I really enjoyed our session. I have been feeling quite peaceful since. It feels good to release whatever is no longer serving me. I just want to sit in that for awhile. Look forward to working with you again in the future.
--Lisa C.
I found an equine dentist/oral surgeon in my area. He found Annie to have significant pain in the right TMJ joint which he said is very rare for horses. He said he’s had maybe 1-2 horses in the past 2-3 years present with true TMJ pain. He felt her teeth all “looked normal” and that a steroid injection into the TMJ joint would relieve her pain and inflammation there. I asked him to please x-ray all the teeth on her right side. He agreed to appease me even though he felt it wasn’t necessary. What do you know the first tooth, behind the bar on the bottom right was sclerotic and malformed at the root. When he did the pain test at the jaw she had a significant reaction. Tooth was pulled today. If it weren’t for you none of this would have happened. He said there would have been no way to know with out the x-ray. You are amazing,
--Sharon L.
Ginny is amazing! I have loved working with her and highly recommend her program! She is a phenomenal person, with high integrity and a tremendous amount of heart!
--Elysia Jane Buss
I just wanted to thank you for last night's class session, and give you my feedback. I was too "far gone" to speak at the end. The first 10 or 15 minutes I found myself constantly yawning, then relaxing deeply.
At night I had some revealing dreams which helped me move on from a painful experience, the person was there in my dream and I felt acceptance and some kind of reconciliation or just a letting go. Physically I went through a purging. Thank you so much for doing this with us. I have a definite sense of our group .
--Andrea G.
The day after we met, Monty started coming upstairs on her own to hang out with me at work. Also, last night, she decided she wanted to sleep next to her bed on a pile of clothes on the floor rather than between our pillows.
Your work helped us understand what she wanted! Thank you! I just booked a session for mid-March. Looking forward!
Thanks again!
--Kim V.
Que Boy was laying down today. He hasn't laid down to sleep in a long time! Thank you!
--Gretchen N.
I have been on a journey for many years now, seeking ways to elevate and connect more clearly spiritually so that I could purposely create healing within myself.
I needed guidance and I found Ginny! I was drawn to her ability to communicate with animals and was excited to find out that she also works with people!
She is not only exceptionally trained in multiple modalities, but her heart matches and exceeds her training.
Ginny has a way of interacting with others in a way that creates a space of awareness, clarity, and openness, allowing for a great interaction. I really felt seen and heard, not just talked to. She included me and I felt welcomed.
I highly recommend her work, especially those seeking an inner understanding of themselves, and of course their animals!
--Heather R.
Just wanted to let you know that I see a big difference in Joey's energy. He feels so much better overall and is settling in to the routine. His behavior is much calmer overall. He’s just doing sooo much better, I wanted you to know. He has only jumped on Rosie once since we spoke. I want to express my gratitude for your help, again.
--Lisa G.
Looking forward to seeing what comes up next session - what I thought would be checking in on our horses turned into a much needed ME session. I’ve done a lot of trauma work in the traditional and somatic ways, but never with energy and spiritual healing - so I have known my own journey was incomplete! Thank you for tuning in to that!
--Lori O.
Thank you so, so much. I feel so much lighter and so full of joy right now! I can’t believe how different I feel in such a short amount of time. You have an amazing gift!
I’m so happy I ended up connecting with you. I truly look forward to working with you again soon.
Thank you again, I haven’t felt so happy and excited in as long as I can remember!
--Jessica P.
Thank you again for the call with us last week. I am so grateful for your time, and the betterment of our partnership with as time passes. Each time we get to have a session with you, it helps our world get a little brighter and more clear and our bond even more apparent, not just stronger, but the purpose of our connection. Thank you.
--Meg S.
From Ginny: "I am so grateful for the wonderful clients I meet and am blessed to work with. Time and again, I am astounded by their thoughtfulness and the sharing of so many comprehensive testimonials. They are often reflections on our prior conversations and highlight the resulting shifts and improvements in their lives, and the lives of their animals. More importantly, this type of message is a clear indication of the human animal connection and how it can shift into a greater partnership and understanding through the facilitation of intuitive animal communication, combined with my focus on trauma release and energetic awareness. This is a lengthy and heartfelt message from a recent first time client. I hope you enjoy it."
I wanted to take a few minutes to finally reach out to you and let you know all that has happened since our first session with you in November. I am not sure how much you remember about our session, but it was very eventful. When we started, you had asked who the darker horse with the white blaze might be and indicated he was likely from my past. You confirmed it was Sebastian, my first horse from long ago. Through you, he wanted me to know he's been my spirit guide all along and offered suggestions for releasing what I'd been holding onto all of these years! It was a moving and truly transformative moment - and for that alone, I cannot thank you enough!
Oddly enough, I came across some pictures of the two of us just yesterday. It was strange and wonderful knowing what I know now, and looking at them, I saw something completely different in his eyes - they were soft and wise. We also had a moment with a young filly in the herd next door to "L" (horse's name redacted for privacy) who seemed very interested in the goings on of your session. So much so that she tried to leave her herd through the fence to get closer! When you were finally able to connect with "L" - you felt as though he was holding onto some energy from two different people and worked with him to release that.
He thought he might really appreciate a fully body massage and it seemed he maybe had a little TMJ. We talked about some tightness in the neck, withers, and shoulders area. He also let you know he prefers apples over carrots, though he likes the apples in smaller pieces (which is actually how I'd been offering them to him all along!). He had mentioned that he really liked another horse in a different herd, and thought he might like to be like him some day. He said he's not interested in showing but that trail rides would be okay as long as he had other horses to go with and he would not have to be the leader. He understood that exercise was important and would be tolerant of trotting for about 20 minutes or so. At the end of the session, the other horse reached out to you and wanted someone to know there was something going on with his spine. Given you did not have permission to speak with him, you left it to me to decide what to do with the information.
As it so happens, I did mention it to his owner, and she scheduled a chiropractor appointment right away. He'd never had a chiropractic treatment before, and the ONLY thing that needed adjusting was his entire spine. He LOVED that treatment! His owner so incredibly grateful to know how he felt. "L" had a chiropractic adjustment on the same day, and was indeed "out" in his neck, shoulders, and withers. We worked on a release in his TMJ area, which he appeared to appreciate. He was in training during that time, as I had just adopted him. His trainer noticed an immediate difference in his energy. Since that time, he feels more "awake."
I'm not sure whether that makes any sense, and I'm not certain I know how to accurately describe the feelings he sends out. Oh, and he did get his full body massage, though I don't think he knew what that entailed, as he was much tighter than we knew, and it was uncomfortable working through that. But he was a champ, and we will continue with periodic massage and chiropractic therapy.
He has since finished his 60 days of training, and he and I have spent much more time becoming acquainted. Now that he and I are moving forward without a trainer, I do feel a follow-up session would be very helpful - just to check in to make sure he is okay with our progress and to see if there is anything he needs from me to be a better human for him. I catch him watching me with interest but get the sense that he is trying to figure out how I fit into his life. We might both benefit from a little help in the communication gap. I hope that's something you might be willing to help us with.
At any rate - THANK YOU for being so gracious with all that had gone on that day. It felt like we unpacked a lot of "stuff" that day! Thanks again!"
L.S., MN
I thought you would appreciate a testimonial for all the work that you have done to include me in on the meditation sessions. To date, I have only been present/live call for one Event Practice Group, listened to three recordings of the Power of Eight - Self Healing Group, and had one 1:1 session with you two weeks ago.
There is a whole new level of peace in my heart, in a very short period of time, that I have been missing and waiting to find again. I am so much more patient and my communication is improving, not only with my dog but also with everybody else around me. I have so much more love for my patients and I accept this new state with open arms. I can also see through bullshit a lot easier, and have learned to try a bit less harder with things that don't work, accepting that it's not a fit.
In the past week I was spontaneously gifted at least $4,000 in medical and educational expenses. I have so much gratitude for the love and support I'm getting from my community. I don't think I would have gotten this without your help as I am shifting my mindset, and opening my heart.
Thank you so much for being part of my life before and currently, encouraging me to take this step. Despite feeling overwhelmed with everything I have to do, essentially doing everything by myself with my practice, this has given me some critical tools to be able to focus and be the best that I truly can be.
I have been waiting for this direction my whole life and I have you to think for this. So thank you. You are beautiful, you are kind, you are generous, and your work is being paid forward a hundred times through me. So I can only imagine how many people you're impacting with the 19 people on the call.
With love and gratitude,
--Margaret S.
P.S. My intuition is strengthening and shifting. I'm spot on when I get the messages, but I noticed with information overload over this past weekend it has silenced a little again... Looking forward to tomorrow night's call!
Many of you know Magic’s been going through it, suddenly lame and most likely about to be diagnosed with EMS. We will get the results on Thursday. This past week has been extremely hard to see her in so much pain.
Desperate to give her relief, I put forth all my best efforts (over a foot of shavings in her stall, bemer sessions, bute, epsom salt soaks, stall boots, acupuncture, farrier & vet examinations) she just wasn’t getting better. Sure, she seemed in a little less pain after certain sessions but she’d go right back to severely lame shortly after.
I could see it in her eyes that she was regressing and shutting down emotionally on top of physically, more and more with every day. What has been most strange is trying to come up with a logical reason as to what triggered it. There have been literally no changes to her lifestyle and diet since July of last year, she was negative on the hoof pressure tests with the vet, no heat from her hooves or pasterns but clearly experiencing acute laminitis.
I’ve talked about Ginny Jablonski on many occasions, she is a spiritual healer and animal communicator and has become a great friend of mine over the years. She has helped me, my animals and so many pets of personal friends and family; I can 100% attest to the work she does.
But the difference she made in Magic after our session yesterday is astounding, truly incredible. This morning, Magic knickered to greet me near her water bucket and followed me along the fence line to the barn, moving the most comfortably I've seen her since this all started.
Today was the first day I didn’t need to hang her bucket and hay net right where she stood because on the previous days she refused to move to it, or much at all. But the most remarkable difference this morning was in her demeanor, in her eyes. Like a spark was reignited in her and her will to exist is back.
I won’t go into detail about our session on this post, but I am certain that Ginny is responsible for Magic’s sudden progress. Only time will tell what happens with Magic’s recovery process but I’ve made the decision to retire her from trails, she will be Olly’s horse to love on. I think that that is exactly what Magic wants her life to look like and I’d be privileged to do that for her.
--Julia H.
I want to thank you for the work you did with Lanelle's mare. She trusted Lanelle, but not me. She was getting dangerous and I was not safe working on her. I seriously considered not helping her any more.
I'm a fair hand with horses and I've been around them all my life, but I can not explain what has happened and the change I've witnessed in her. I don't know how you have helped her, but I am grateful that you have.
I have been shoeing her in recent months on the side of the road with cars going by with no problem whatsoever. I never believed in animal communication until having this personal experience. Thank you for what you do, and I look forward to meeting you one day soon.
--Matt M, Farrier
We got the chance to have a phone session with Ginny Jablonski last weekend. It’s been something I’ve wanted to try for awhile after hearing such amazing stories.
This [photo left] is a screen shot of a video I took during our session.
It appears Caliape had been wondering about my nose. Out of all the things to talk about, my broken nose. I’m not posting the video due to some really awesome angles up my nostrils. So you're welcome.
I have never met Ginny in person and my scars and visible bumps aren’t exactly apparent in pictures. So it really blew me away when Ginny asked “I wouldn’t normally ask this, but what’s wrong with your nose? Caliape is concerned.”
As she was asking, Caliape did a very good inspection of my face (which is very unusual behavior) and Ginny let me know that she wanted to try and help me heal it.
We shared an amazing conversation over the phone, able to connect and touch bases states away. My mare's heart is so big it blew me away. It was astonishing being able to interact with my horse on a whole new level.
Our call was honestly 98% all positive. She does seem to have a certain view on domestic horses [she's a mustang], and that’s fair. We all have our thoughts and feelings I guess haha.
If this seems to out there for you or something you can’t wrap your mind around, that’s quite alright. To each their own.
--Miranda M.
This was the day I brought her home from the shelter. A joyful day for sure. A few months later we took a road trip to see a friend who happened to breed Rottweilers. When we arrived and I opened the car's rear hatch to let the dogs out.
My friend did not yet know that I adopted Rosie. When she saw Rosie she said, "Since when did you get into pit bulls?"
I said, "I’m not into pit bulls. I wanted to rescue and that’s mainly what’s available."
She replied, “You like that big ugly head?”
And I said, "I love her head. I think she’s beautiful."
I was so mortified that Rosie might actually believe what my friend had said, that I decided to tell her everyday multiple times how beautiful she is, inside and out. This has gone on for about 6 or 7 years now, not knowing if she heard me or felt my message.
Then, Ginny came over and Rosie ran up to her and said “I’m beautiful and so are you.”
When Ginny told me this I said, “I tell her all the time that she’s beautiful.”
I was so shocked and ecstatic to know that she hears my message! Ever since our visit with Ginny and some further communications that we had, Rosie has become much closer to me.
She hangs around me more and wants to be touching me. At least once a day she’ll drape her upper body across my lap, lay her big beautiful head down and snooze.
Precious moments.
Thank you Ginny for helping Rosie and I deepen our relationship.
--Lisa G.
[Added by Ginny: This is exactly the kind of validation animals provide all the time for their owners. Their being, their personality, and their thoughts reflect their life circumstances!
I wanted to tell you about the aftermath of the session we had. This was the day after Druid ran after the kayakers and ended up miles away jumping in and swimming and had to be rescued without me knowing where he was. It was so stressful for me.
In our session you talked to him and told him how important it is for him to stay close enough for me to see him. You told him that several times. Over the past three days as we have walked along the canals there has been an astounding difference. Yesterday the kayakers were out and about and his rat terrier brain was going wild as usual. With me not saying a word he was looking back at/for me constantly. We had no struggle or issue.
Pretty amazing, especially considering his Jack Russel nature.
[Added two weeks later] The kayakers were back again and Druid's rat terrier brain went wild again and he took off running after them. He was so fast he got more than 50 yards away by the time I called his name. He stopped, turned around and waited for me to catch up! He rarely, if ever, responded to my calls before. I am so grateful for your work with him and I.
[Added three weeks later] The kayakers were back again traveling up and down the canal. Druid was chasing them back and forth until finally they did not turn around and come back. I was terrified that we would have another episode where I could not find him, but there he was, waiting for me under the bridge in the shadows right where he could still see me, but due to the shadows I could not see him.
I am so happy to report that he did not go after the kayakers when they went out of sight. I want you to know how much I appreciate your work with him and I.
--Mark Sonnenberg, Ireland
Rango (left), relaxed at home with his herd. I can't remember the last time I've seen him so at ease. I cant remember the last time I've seen him lay down and just rest his legs. I do believe there was truly something with the shared drum session we enjoyed this morning with Virginia "Ginny" Jablonski.
I am very grateful for this past week's visit from such a kind and loving animal communicator. I'm so glad she got the opportunity to spend quality time with the herd. She really helped me to better understand and appreciate each of them as truly sentient beings. They are each so unique and gifted in their own individual ways.
I was touched by the conversations she shared with the herd. Laverne and Eowyn truly blew me away with their connection. If Casie, Tracy at Steadfast Steeds, and Alice are willing to share in the comments below a bit about the sessions they had with their Mustangs and Ginny you would be amazed. It's been an incredible week!!
This week has further validated for me that the path I'm on with the herd here at the ranch is uniquely mine and the herd... It's about compassion. It's about healing. It's about growing. It's about a greater purpose in one’s life.
--George Brauneis, Eckert, CO
"You were the right person, at this time, for this horse. We thank you." --J. B.
Thank you Ginny for a beautiful healing session today with Liesel!
Here are two of the pictures I took when we were on the telephone talking to you:
One of her connecting to the earth and rubbing her cleansed facial auric field on the warm sandstone right after her clearing.
I've seen her enjoy rolling in the grass before, but I've never seen her lie face down on the stones like that and rub both sides of her face on the warm stones. Then she did the same thing on the grass.
And one of her bringing me an appropriate chew toy right after you addressed the eating of non-edibles and asking for more appropriate things to chew on!
[Added the following day] I'm so grateful for our work together! Liesel seems happier and more at ease in her body today.
I talked with her about it [her treatment of her companion animals] after the session, and she has been much better and less jealous when I give cuddles and Reiki to Bean! She even stays in the other room without clawing at the door and barking. I am so happy to be able to give Bean more love in peace! I feel like we have a better relationship now, too.
[Added a week later] I have been wanting to reach out to tell you about more of the positive changes that we saw with Liesel after her healing with you. She became much gentler with Bean, our older dog, and much less jealous when we gave him attention. Also, she accepted the clip leash readily for the first time ever, and has been enjoying our evening walks with Bean, a huge shift energetically to be able to take them both out for a good walk.
--Joan L.
I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how GLORY, my cat, is doing since our session together. Prior to our session, Glory always seemed to feel very warm to the touch. Since that huge etheric cord was removed from his belly, his temperature seems normal.
He's becoming much more affectionate and will no longer pull away from me when I try to love on him. Before he acted afraid of me. He's now sleeping on the bed for short periods of time. When he does, he likes to sleep between my legs or next to my head. I feel so lucky! I'm also able to give him a massage or pet him for several minutes. Before, he acted as if he didn't want to have anything to do with me.
Our whole relationship is changing for the better. I am relieved and grateful to see that our relationship is becoming what I wanted from the start, but never had. I am so happy that we went to you for help. I have another session with you on the 27th of this month, for my senior cat, Barney. I look forward to our time together.
Thank you! Big hugs from me and my two cats!
--Lynda A.
I have so much admiration and respect for what you do. I know that I am not the only client that must tell you that.
In your sessions with us you make us feel like we are the only client you have. The individual attention and what you recall about the previous sessions is so great!
I can't thank you enough for coming today. What a blessing it was for me and my herd.
Debbie A.
Today, she is still integrating, and is more alert. I let her choose which kibble she wanted for breakfast -- she ate it all. She is back to looking at me intently and right in the eyes.
I am feeling some communication with her — she says "thank you," I say "you're welcome," easy stuff like this. I will also say that prior to her appt with you on Saturday, she was itching and scratching so terribly that she had to be on a mild sedative (the vet gave me two doses, 50 Mg and 1.8 Mg -- I was only giving her the 1.8 Mg because of the side effects).
She had been chewing her feet something awful. They were all inflamed and had caused a yeast infection. Since Saturday, very little itching or scratching anywhere on her body. Yesterday, I thought it might be temporary. It continues today -- YAY!!!
You are AMAZING!!!
D. Preston
A lot of people find the name for our horse “Peace” to be a little odd, but it’s because it comes with a story! Around 3 almost 4 years ago, we had our first session with the most amazing animal communicator, Ginny Jablonski.
She came to the ranch I was boarding at to speak to the boarders horses for a clinic. Peace wasn’t our horse yet and she was going by the name “Keka” at the time. She had told Ginny that she did not like that name at all, and that her real name is “Peace Within.”
Bryan heard the story and started calling her Peace from that day forward, despite everyone else continuing to call her Keka. She started to warm up to Bryan immensely, she would greet him with ears forward and knicker for him when we’d come to visit with Pluto. I'm pretty sure she was grateful to him for being the only one to acknowledge her true name.
A couple months later, her previous owner was offering to me to purchase her. I had actually declined, and to my surprise, Bryan told me to call her back and let her know that HE would like to purchase her. I was beside myself with excitement that Bryan wanted his own horse and asked him if he planned on changing her name from Keka.
He looked at me like I was crazy (and even a little rude) and said, “Her name is Peace, she already told us this.”
And that is how Peace got her name.
--Julia Herman
I recently had a session with Ginny. She shared that my 3 yr old chihuahua Violet was extremely sensitive and did not want Ginny to work on her body. Ginny then started, ever so gently, sending love to Violet and surrounding her ever so gently with what she called 'little pillows of love'.
Violet has always growled every time I have touched her. From the first few minutes Ginny connected with her she sat in my lap and allowed me to stroke her without growling.
That night after the session, Violet was sitting alone on the couch across the room from me as per usual. As she lay there, I remembered the reading I had with Ginny earlier in the day and started sending Violet pillows of pink love from my heart to her's.
To my utter amazement, in less than 60 seconds of sending the love, Violet jumped down from the couch and came running across the room and jumped up in my lap. She curled up and went to sleep. We were both surrounded in pillows of pink love!
Aaaahhhh! Thank you Ginny! Violet and I are in such deep gratitude at the unconditionally loving work you shared with both of us!
--Barbara S.
Thank you Ginny for coming over today. I’m so happy that Oslo is opening up and talking more. You’ve made a huge difference in our lives, and I’m forever grateful.
--Claudia W.
I first met Ginny through a 2 day energy healing & animal communication clinic in Reistertown, MD. During those 2 days I learned a lot about myself as well as the amazing gift Ginny has. She was a wonderful teacher who made the clinic comfortable and safe feeling as well as fun and very informative.
Before she left I asked her to come communicate with my 2 horses. My one horse had a lot to share, I wasn’t surprised. Turns out he is a Medicine Horse! He loved Ginny, constantly nuzzling and yawning at her. When we went to move on he kept nuzzling her as to say “Please don’t go”.
It was nice to listen and watch Ginny do her work as she was very respectful to what the horse wanted. My second horse was a pony I pulled from the kill pen 2.5 years ago. He was an Amish pony and now goes to local shows helping a young girl learn the ropes. He’s been an amazing pony but his personality most of the time seemed to be dimmed.
Ginny instantly picked up on a lot with him, things she never could have known without her amazing gift. She then went on to say he had a heavy energy that has stuck with him from a past experience, which was [depleting] his positive energy. After clearing him, the difference was amazing.
She told me to give him a day to settle and that I would see a difference. The next day I immediately contacted Ginny, he was a different horse. Since that day his eyes have brightened and his ears perked, always attentive and finally happy looking.
I can’t thank her enough. I highly recommend her both as a teacher and an animal communicator!
--Maggie H, MD
Hi Ginny, I just wanted to give you a little bit of a follow up on Bindi. I took her to my chiropractor. She does muscle testing and she’s able to muscle test using my arm for the dog. She’s a dog lover so she’s kind enough to help me with my dogs when I need it even though she doesn’t typically treat dogs other than her own.
You had said that you felt that the right side of Bindi’s throat was swollen. My chiropractor found that Bindi has an ear infection and that her right lymph node in her throat is swollen. She gave me some herbs with which to treat it. She also found that her C2 vertebrae was out and put it back in. C1 and C2 often come out when you have a sinus infection or ear infection.
Thank you so much for your help!
--Carrie A, CA
Ginny, First I want to say that in the past several months Druid had been hacking like he had something caught in his throat. At the end we had to take a good deal of time to deal with that but he has not had any problem with that since.
Second, I am so very very grateful how much you worked on me and got to some deep old parts with the past life. It was such an interesting conversation.
--M. S.
Our session very helpful and she continues to come out of her shell more and more. Daisy and Harley are being much more patient with her. She tries so hard.
Thanks again,
--Nannette J, MT
You read two of my mare's thoughts and you were 100%. We followed their wishes and they are doing well.
--A Foster, CA
"Ginny, I appreciate all the help, feedback and knowledge that you have given me. It has helped me press on when so many people told me to get rid of Pepper, or said so many negative things about owning a horse like him.
Your reassurance that he was, in fact, traumatized and not just mean spirited, or simply a horse that was taught bad habits really helped.
When he told you, “I’m never going to be safe,” knowing how he felt helped click in my head what I was dealing with.
Here is a photo of him practically falling asleep while the farrier works on him. His lead rope is hanging on a tie ring, he could pull away if he wants to. But, we ask him to stand and he CHOOSES to stay.
The horse that “didn’t like to be groomed” when I first got him is now relaxed and actually enjoys being brushed.
The horse that "didn’t like a shower" now stands perfectly to be rinsed off.
The horse that used to trample me when I walked him now respects my space.
The stand-offish horse I would retrieve from the pasture now comes when I call him.
The horse that I didn’t think really cared if I came down to the stable or not now shows affection.
He still has more trauma to work through, but I see much more of a willingness to connect.
You've convinced me that traumatized horses can heal!"
[Added one month later] "I have been on cloud 9 all day. I'm just sooo happy about Pepper. He looks so much more content. I look at the progress he has made since I bought him in September. He really has come a long way!! He is coming out of his shell and looks like he's enjoying life more and trusting more. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your efforts.
This horse could have ended up as dog food, but somehow he came into my life and I had doubts if I could handle him. Now I would never let him go... Thank you for all your help!"
--Jana M, CA
Pepper's unfolding story is so compelling, I gave him his own page on my website! Click here to follow Pepper's story, see many photos, and many more testimonials over two years!
To read the blog I wrote about Pepper's chosen Chiropractor contacting me to say she had been counseled not to work with him, or even touch him, click here.
You recently read my little rescue dog Hershey who was about 10 when we got him late last year. He began standing and peeing in the house with a stricken look on his face. Like he couldn't help himself. You tapped in and said he was sick with a possible infection and didn't mean to do this.
My husband is a veterinarian and since this behavior just started, he took Hershey to the clinic and did blood and urine tests which showed acute kidney disease and a mass in his abdominal cavity. We treated him with medication, and homeopathic support and loved him deeply.
You said he was ready to go to the other side but wanted to be with me as long as possible. We released him at the end of July. I still see and hear him in the house. Your information was so helpful. Thank you.
--Jeanie BK
When you answered my emergency call, you helped us unconditionally and immediately. With your words you helped me immediately let go of fear, grief, and the unknown of the circumstance. I immediately went into action for my daughter's beloved mare. I told her I would help her and figure out what was going on with her. In her condition, I was able to help her and yes, I figured out what was wrong. Today Millee is happy, loving and more comfortable than she has ever been in 10 years. You unlocked the illusion of fear and spoke divine truth. You provided a gateway from grief.
In gratitude,
--Sharon G, AZ
Bambi experienced a recent trauma when the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night and experienced a lot of human emotion from her family of five. Since then every time she heard a loud noise she would have a panic attack of sorts and attempts to calm her only made her worse. Here is a testimonial I received from her owner:
"I just wanted to write you with an update on Bambi. After you helped break the cord tied into her, she shared some very intimate issues and feelings of mine with you. We discovered how bossy and wise my little love bug is. We were able to let her release one of her fears that I reached out to you about and a week later, our old Bambi is back!!!
There are still a few things to work out with her, but we are releasing one a week like she asked. I can't thank you enough for your love and generosity with helping my Bambi baby and unexpectedly, my family."
--Erica and Bambi
I met Ginny over the phone and she was able to identify with my horse immediately. The funny thing is that another horse that Ginny had never met, interrupted and came through to her. She was able to work with both horses, and was accurate in her knowledge and so insightful. It was truly amazing to see what gifts Ginny has, and her love for healing. I had an immediate connection with her.
About a month later, she came and did some body work and some healing on the same mare, and what she was able to identify was great. She is a true animal healer, and so knowledgeable about the anatomy. I highly recommend working with Ginny.
--Lyn M.
Ginny is an absolute gift. I consider her a colleague, friend, and mentor. We met several years ago and share the same the love for horses, health, truth, and authenticity.
Professionally, we have consulted together for various difficult equine cases, that have required a “think outside the box perspective.”
Ginny always delivers, 110% of the time. She is a wealth of knowledge and expertise that disseminates correct information in a manner I have yet to find another person to be able to do.
From her specificity of describing a horse’s personality, quirks, and body movements; to an all-around outstanding horsewoman. Ginny is someone you want to have in your wheelhouse. If all else fails, call Ginny!!!
Bek Jarzombek, DC
I find your honesty, far-seeing and all-embracing intelligence and commitment truly humbling. I can identify with so much of what you are relating.
Andrea H, NZ
Thank you for giving, often beyond your own means, to so many. Those who know your work continue to be blessed and in awe.
Julie K, TX
Thank you for sharing. You never cease to amaze me with all your love and knowledge and willingness to share. You are truly one of a kind and I’m very thankful you’re in my life.
Claudia, AZ
Let me start by saying “THANK YOU” for being willing to be YOU. Your words touched my Heart. The world is truly a more beautiful place because of you and your courage to be You and to share You with the world.
Sage C, AZ
I'm a skeptical cynic, but ironically one with a deep faith in the immortality of the soul, and someone who knows that horses, more so it seems than many other animals, are exceedingly sensitive to the energy created by ones emotional state.
I don't know how you do what you do, I can't begin to fathom the gift you possess, but hearing first hand from others about work you've done with their horses has left me convinced of two things.
One, we don't really understand this world we live in the way we should, because what you do is inexplicable by science, and has actually deepened my faith. Two, you're amazing.
Please let me know when you're back in the area.
I have a couple mares and a foal you need to speak to...
Thanks for doing what you do.
Michael G.
Further testimony after several in person sessions with Michael and his horses:
The gift bestowed upon Ginny Jablonski is immeasurable in value, and I count myself among the cynics of the world, but I've seen too much of her work inexplicably have effects I cannot explain to discount that which I cannot prove.
Her connection to that which most of us cannot perceive is unquantifiable yet undeniable. A skeptic such as myself is hard pressed to accept the abilities of a person like Ginny, even as we will admit there are things we cannot perceive that do exist.
But, to ignore the evidence one has seen with their own eyes, even when it is unexplainable, is to deny reality, which a practicing skeptic cannot do. In short, Ginny is unquestionably genuine, both as a person, and a horse talker.
Michael G.
Today is so hard to put into words. It’s a more of a moment of feeling. A moment where you just had for be there to feel it -- so many emotions.
As you all know , River is my heart horse , and also Diane Michele Hurtado’s. We both noticed Riv hasn’t been herself lately. Today we got the closure and answers we needed. Tears of relief & happiness flowed today. Immediately the life in Rivers eyes were back , you just had to be there to witness such a beautiful moment.
After her session with Ginny she was in such a deep relaxed REM sleep , so at peace , that she didn’t even move or go to stand up when we were walking back up to her area. Usually, the moment she senses me , or anyone walking towards her while sleeping she pops right up.
Today , she continued to peacefully lay there. I couldn’t stop relishing in the moment watching my sweet girl lay so peacefully. Lucy even opened up today and let’s just say , both my girls are feeling wonderful & at peace with themselves and those around them.
The exact details I feel are very special and somethings i feel that should stay between River , Lucy & I.
We welcome Ginny here always and look forward to seeing her again someday. Her positive energy radiated throughout the entire ranch , we felt it & so did the horses. What a day...
Bri N.
Que Boy was laying down today. He hasn't laid down to sleep in a long time!
And he is in such a good mood! Even watching him walk he is much more relaxed instead of stiff and sore. He actually swings his head when he walks now! Such small things, but it makes me so happy to see!
Also, he often avoids me when I go out to meditate with the horses, but today he stuck around and even walked into my golden bubble of grace. I just can't thank you enough for your help and I'm excited for his next session!
Gretchen C.
Ginny is a true healer. She brings compassion and clarity to our conversation. My dog (German Shepherd x Hound x Terrier/Pit) had developed strong prey drive over the past year which has been drawing bad energy in the form of unwanted attention from other animals toward us. Ginny taught me how to clear my/our energy (I also had a big life event the previous year), and it has helped both my dog and me tremendously.
I called Ginny in a panic as we were planning to go camping just the two of us, and I was worried a mountain lion would be attracted to our energy. However, when we went camping, my dog was a gem! Not one bark, in fact, when other dogs were losing their mind when people would walk by, my dog would look up at me, I thanked him for good behavior, then he would look back and observe the others. He didn't lunge when he saw something of interest, instead, he took to my redirection (using old skills we learned from a dog trainer), and was compliant with my commands (his stubborn Beagle side wasn't dominating!).
Recently we were visiting a friend at her home. Her dogs were not socialized, and have a dog run the parameter of the fence line. All of us were pleasantly surprised to see that my dog walked by without flinching, and the other dogs didn't bark back the entire time we sat in their backyard. They didn't sniff each other but were quiet and there wasn't a weird feeling at all!
My connection with my 7 year old pup has never been stronger, and I'm grateful that I have another tool to work with to keep both of us safe, communicating and happy. Ginny is intuitive and able to tell me things I needed to hear to also help make peace with my life transition. I'm grateful for her and highly recommend her to anyone looking to make peace in their homes and allow their companions to continue to grow deeper into our lives and hearts. I get so much out of every encounter with her.
Meg Spicer DC, CA
Three months ago, I stood by the paddock with tears streaming down my face feeling like a total failure. I had adopted Chunk and Monk to give them a safe place to learn to trust humans and live out what remains of their lives in safety. After over two years of caring for them, I was no closer to being trusted and my heart hurt at their continued avoidance of contact in spite of how much I loved them.
I have studied trauma, worked with kids of trauma, healed layers of my own trauma, yet nothing seemed to get through to “the boys” that they are safe forever. I knew something had to change and, in that moment, put out a silent prayer to the Universe to send me help. In spite of a lifelong love for horses, I had not made a dent in Chunk and Monk’s extreme trauma.
Chunk and Monk are Hackney ponies who came to me via Blue Moon Rescue in Chino Valley, AZ. They were originally Amish cart ponies, but had suffered a terrible accident which left Monk blind and each with healed wounds where their cart shaft had likely severed muscles leaving large indentations on both of their bodies that I could put a fist into.
When they were healed enough to travel, but no longer useful to pull a cart, they were auctioned and sold to a roping school in Arizona. There they were roped like cows by students learning the craft. Their wounds were healed, but their minds and spirits were not. Being roped by students added to their trauma and they came to me broken, afraid, wounded, and Monk was blind with no desire to be near humans.
The weekend after I stood at the paddock in despair, my husband and I started watching movies about horses on Netflix and the movie “Life, Adjusted” popped up with the story of a chiropractor who worked with traumatized horses. I began to search for someone local who could help me with the ponies. I knew any kind of training would not be helpful; they were once well-trained and the issue wasn’t training, but broken spirits.
My search turned up a local horse body worker and I called her immediately. She came within a few days and worked on both ponies. The work she did helped with the physical trauma caused by their damaged muscles, but I knew they needed additional help to release the spiritual and energetic trauma or they would not heal or trust. My gut was driving me to continue to search for “something more.” I would continue to schedule body work, but knew I had to keep looking.
Later that night, I was online reading about horses and looking through the Facebook pages of a few nearby rescues and the name of an animal communicator popped up. I have consulted one regarding horses in my care in the past and knew without a doubt that there are gifted people with a spiritual connection who are able to read both people and animals. I contacted Virginia "Ginny" Jablonski immediately and she agreed to come the next day as she was leaving town in two days for extended travel.
Ginny arrived at the scheduled time and we talked at length about Chunk and Monk. We had this one window of opportunity as Ginny was leaving for two months and I, too, had a lengthy vacation scheduled during the time she would be out of town. Monk was in his stall and we agreed he was most in need of attention in the little time we had. His biggest issue to overcome was his “fight or flight” tendency to rear and pull back because of his history of extreme trauma.
I untied his lead rope at Ginny’s request and we began the work with me in the stall next to Monk and Ginny standing two feet away so she could talk me through the session. Monk stood attentively near the two of us and allowed me near enough to be the conduit to Ginny’s healing touch. He actually let me touch him! It was as if he knew we were there to help and that Ginny was the answer to this final layer of trauma. He was nervous, but we moved slowly and I felt this amazing connection to his heart.
Ginny talked to him and to me as we worked to help Monk release the fear and trauma that had become an energetic part of his body and psyche. It was what caused him to leave any time a human tried to make contact with him. He would hide to the best of his ability by going to the furthest corner of the paddock or placing his body behind that of his longtime partner, Chunk.
During the session, I could feel his fear and the struggle he had to allow us to work with him, but he stood and gave up his fear as Ginny spoke softly and allowed him the time he needed to release years and years of stored trauma. (Trauma is stored at a cellular level and until it can be released in a safe environment, it continues to affect all body systems in humans and animals.)
By the end of the session, Monk was yawning, then he actually nodded off while standing directly between two humans who were only a foot away from him on either side!!
I had spent two years trying to get that close to him without tying him or coercing him (adding to his trauma). It was amazing and I just stood there with tears streaming down my face. During the time Monk was releasing his traumatic energy, he actually had tears streaming down his face as well. We opened his stall door and he actually stayed with us for a period of time instead of retreating as was his norm.
Before she left, Ginny invited me to follow up with a 21 Day Chair Exercise originated by Carolyn Resnick and available online. I signed up immediately and started the very next day as I had only 28 days before I would be gone for an entire month. Each day during that time, I spent an hour with the ponies reading and meditating using materials provided via the program. I had to adjust much of it to work with both ponies together and because we did not have a working connection. The connection is finally developing after more than two years of trying to love these ponies without doing further damage.
The turning point was Ginny’s healing session. The very next day, Monk stood still and let me put his fly mask on without our former lengthy ritual that always engendered fear responses. I had the bodyworker back two more times before I left for my travels and both ponies made huge leaps in allowing her to work on them. Monk only briefly reared and pulled back once following Ginny’s session. I completed the chair exercise, then left for my month away. In that time, Monk actually stood for me to halter him. I held out the halter and told him what my intention was and he put his nose into the halter and allowed me to fasten it, which has always been a dicey dance between us.
As most horse-people know, time off after a huge learning experience allows a horse to take that experience in. After being away for a month, I returned to our usual routine and needed to apply fly spray. Monk stood without a halter or lead rope and allowed me to walk around his entire body spraying him and talking to him the entire time. I continue to be amazed at the changes that are taking place and look forward to developing my relationship with Chunk and Monk, as well as with Ginny Jablonski.
Sally Salisbury, Prescott, AZ
Thank you SO much, Ginny!
I contacted Ginny seeking help for a horse I rescued about a month ago. Going into the communication session, I was rather skeptical, but wanted to keep an open mind and at least try and see if I got anything out of it. And I'm so glad I did.
All she knew was my horses' names, how long I'd had them, and where they were rescued from. To hit the nail on the head perfectly with both horses, and then with horses from my past I never once mentioned to her, truly made me believe she's the real deal.
The gelding I'd sought her out for even walked up to me and dropped his head to let me rub on him when I went to clean stalls after the session with Ginny, something he's never done before.
Thanks to her, I feel like I have a better understanding of him moving forward, and I'm looking forward to his follow-up with her.
--Renae, San Diego, CA
Ginny! HAHA! My session was tremendously amazing with you! I'm so grateful and I'm looking forward to clearing my chakras with the applications you've given me. Thank you heaps!
--Dana R.
I first met Ginny about 5 years ago during a time when I was desperate for healing. She has always been the one to say that we are our own healers, and has continuously over the years shown me that that is the truth.
I haven't met anyone more willing to share their knowledge and abilities simply for the greater good than Ginny. I count her as a close friend, one that teaches and loves deeply, and honors each of us on our path.
It's rare to come across a teacher who doesn’t work from their Ego. Ginny is the exception.
-- Linda G, Paulden, AZ
Thank you for sharing their (the animals) voices with me yesterday. It helped to refine the lens for a clearer view of their future.
--Carrie Singer
Animal Guardian Network at
Healing River Ranch, Camp Verde, AZ
I want to thank you again for the amazing session with Scandals a couple of weeks ago. I learned so much, and it was truly amazing to hear and feel the things that Scandals shared with you. I would like to schedule a follow up session for her, and I also have two horses that passed (one 6 years ago and one a couple weeks ago) that I would like to try to reach as well.
--Lisa H.
Ginny is a natural teacher and has taught me so much about using my own unique set of intuitive gifts. She has studied so much and has a vast knowledge of energy healing modalities and philosophies.
What I appreciate about her is the ability to consolidate her body of knowledge into a system that I know resonates with my higher self.
She is so very intuitive and is able to help me by validating what I sense and do in my own practice. This alone allows me to gain confidence in fine tuning my own personal intuitive language.
I see multiple times daily her methods at work informing my own life and the lives of my family and pets.
--Chris N. Camas, WA
Thank you for your time yesterday. I'm encouraged that I feel more calm, grounded and balanced instead of the "high" I usually experience.
--Kathy R. DC
I have been learning so much from Ginny. She has added a much deeper dimension to my understanding of and communication with animals.
--Abhinna B.
Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for Ginny’s help in my family. My beautiful boy has struggled with extreme anger and frustration for a few years now. One thing lead to another and while we accomplished a lot on our own I realized I needed some help. This has been an incredibly traumatic time; we were at a point where he was having 5 or 6 major physical fits a day. I knew this was beyond what I understood, and was guided to Ginny from another healer who thought she could help.
Not only has Ginny been able to help us by successfully peeling back the layers needed to deeply heal and reconstruct our lives, she has provided me with the tools I needed to understand we are all capable of healing ourselves, and taught me that love is the strongest force in the Universe. We are definitely on the path of healing and transformation. There are even days with no fits now and our quality of life has vastly improved. My son even told me he knows his soul purpose is about love, he is 5 by the way.
Recently, we were blessed to experience a healing with one of her horses, Apache, for my son. This was truly a miraculous and beautiful event that I will never forget. My son has realized he can communicate and hear animals. Because of Ginny, many doors have opened in our lives, and I am forever grateful. We are just a few of the many people this woman has touched and healed.
Many thanks, Ginny!
Annetta K.
Additional testimony added two months later:
Ginny, I have my boy back! His temperament has cooled way down. He's been able to entertain himself, play, draw and allow me to work! Before when he would have freaked out over little things he's actually handling them today! Thank you.”
I’ve always been open to animal communicators. I had contacted one in CA years ago with a mare that I had at the time, but it wasn’t a great experience. I had no idea that there are people like Ginny who can REALLY communicate with animals. Not just talk with them, but help them heal. She has a real gift. I heard of Ginny from a mutual friend who knew about some of the problems I was having with my new horse. I called and made a phone appointment. From the moment she started talking, I knew she was way different from the one in CA, and way BETTER. She’s amazing. I don’t understand how she does it, but my horse is more loving and I feel a connection to him I hadn’t felt. I’m so thankful she’s now my friend and I look forward to many more sessions. I highly recommend her. She is the real deal and has so much love for the animals and humanity. Thank you, Ginny
Claudia W. Prescott Valley, AZ
THE REAL DEAL. I first had contact with Ginny over the phone to ask her about the classes she was teaching. I knew she was gifted, and I had to know more. That was a little over a year a half ago. Since then she has become a dear friend; a real treasure to find in this life. She has helped me energetically clear the property on which we live, talked with my animals,( there was no way for her to possibly know, what she did about my horses and dogs. The info she gave was spot on.) She has also mentored me with my own abilities, and helped me greatly. Ginny has a real passion for helping you understand the energy that's present, and being relayed. She has the biggest heart, and loves with a great passion. You feel it when she's around you, and the animals feel it too. It's a beautiful thing to watch her work, and speak with these amazing animals we most often misunderstand. Thank you for all your heart and soul you put into this work. You are most appreciated.
Amanda P. Hayden, Idaho
At Steadfast Steeds Mustang Sanctuary, we support formerly wild horses that have lost their freedom, family and familiar way of life. We share the American Mustang with the public through equine experiential learning. Ginny came to Steadfast Steeds to support one mustang. When she left, she shared messages from nearly every mustang on the property!
We had no experience with Ginny before she arrived on site, and yet, every message she gave voice to was unique to the individual. When introduced to a mustang we call Casanova, his first statement was “don’t let the name fool you” (Hah! He was born on Valentine’s Day), and next came “I like working with tough guys, the ones that want to push everyone around, I can be with them and support them”. On occasion at Steadfast Steeds, we work with at-risk-youth. Many of the young men that come to the Sanctuary to volunteer and interact with the Mustangs are tough guys; when we go to the pasture for “pony time”, Casanova marches right up to those tough guys and gives them a strong nudge. The boys lean in; no one in their life allows them to express themselves the way Casanova does.
Casaova had an additional message: “book”; Ginny exclaimed, “I have never had a horse use the word BOOK with me before. Did you write a book?” We are working on a book, it begs to be finished! And, when my partner writes, he utilizes a special piece as his muse: it is a Kindred Spirit of Casanova that holds space with him as he writes!
Ginny’s time at Steadfast Steeds created an opening, one filled with love and magic for the horses and their extraordinary, specialized work!
WOW! Thank you so much Ginny!
Tracy Harmon Scott, Glade Park, CO
I was thrilled to participate in last night's call. I am so grateful to you for the opportunity. Before the call (and after) I felt as if I was soaring. I thought to myself, "Wow! How did I arrive here at this place, on this call?" I experience this as a Privilege of a Higher Order. Everything felt so perfectly in alignment. My own spiritual "Path of the Heart" on which I have been meditating for 33 years had brought me to this point of intersection, and to a place where I really needed to take a closer look at my beliefs, patterns of reaction and cords...the things I still need to heal. Much is gone, cleared and I am blessed to be in a place that many struggle to get to...but still things remain to be cleared and healing.
I loved everything you took us through. With everything happening in the world and the huge battle between Light and dark I have recently felt my heart close up with fear so it took me some time to get to a point of feeling that warmth and expansion in the heart. Initially it felt like a fort that had to be broken down. This morning however I felt significantly lighter and found it so easy to meditate. Last night was different, I felt no emptiness this morning, only a wonderful certitude about the journey ahead.
I took some time after the call to ground with my sister. We share several traumas, not really big ones, but ones that have shaped how we react and silence us in our self-expression at times, including an amazing but volatile and dominating father. Today self-expression and manifestation remain a challenge even in our relationships. More of a subtle thing as overall they are very good...She was thrilled with her experience and we talked through some of the forgiveness stuff as it linked to shared past experiences. We felt significant transmutation took place.
This is an approach we like, versus the psychological quagmire of opening Pandora's Box and then trying to find one's way out of it.
I know I have much to forgive myself for, issues of shame (especially around money) and somewhere deep there must be issues that hold significant extra weight on my body, something I aspire to release in a healthy way. I feel so hopeful that I may finally release these in the course of this work with you.
I am really grateful to journey with your guidance to this deeper level of self care and self healing. Already for a very long time my aspiration has been alignment with my Soul Purpose, but it was time for a little help along the way. I love your integrative approach where you have taken the best from several traditions of healing and are so fully authentic.
A. Burke
I have worked with Ginny for over a year now and she has helped me with many different issues; both mine as well as my animals.
I am a certified Pranic Healer and am very sensitive to energy around me. I truly resonate with Ginny's work and methodology. She is the first person that I can honestly say has been able to facilitate positive changes with me, the dogs, and the horses. She is humble and very compassionate.
I recently listened to her speech at Chicago IANDS via YouTube and listening to her speak in that venue gave me some immensely valuable information and tools to help me with some of my own challenges. It left me more empowered and much of my fear and doubt was mitigated through her sharing her experiences.
The exercises that she has shared with me I am utilizing every day. I trust and honor her work. Unconditional forgiveness and love are absolutely the answer in my opinion. She is a real gift.
Janee R. San Diego, CA
Blue was Ginny's personal horse, a rescue that everyone said could never be controlled and would kill her. He came to be the keystone to her healing herd of Medicine Horses on her ranch in Arizona. Blue was loved by all who met him. He challenged everyone, every day, to be their authentic self and live with integrity.
To read about how Beauty, Ginny's formerly wild mustang from the Little Book Cliffs HMA, came to live with her and follow Beauty's healing journey, click here.
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