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A revolutionary podcast dedicated to exploring human and animal consciousness and promoting the evolution of interspecies partnerships.
Check out our website here:
Lesli Bisgould
Communicating With Animals: The Spiritual Connection by Arthur Myers
*An investigative journalist who set out to disprove animal communication
Whispers from the Wild by Susan Beirich
Horses Talking or Connecting With Horses by Margrit Coates
Animals Speak by Penelope Smith
Animals and the Afterlife by Kim Sheridan
Straight From the Horses Mouth by Amelia Kinkade
Mystical Dogs: Animals as Guides to Our Inner Life by Jean Houston
Kinship With all Life by J. Allen Boone
Kindred Spirits by Allen M. Schoen DVM, MS
Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home by Rupert Sheldrake
Seeds of Inspiration by Dorothy MacLean
Talking With Nature by Michael Roads
Dogs Never Lie by Jeffrey Masson
A Language Older Than Words by Derrick Jensen
The Horse Leads the Way by Angela Dunning
It's Not About the Horse by Wyatt Webb
What Horses Reveal by Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling
The Horse Cure by M. Holling-Brooks
It's Not Just About the Ribbons by Jane Savoie
Horses Never Lie by Mark Rashid
Pet Loss and Grief Support, click here.
Awakening With Your Animal Family: Scientific Proof of the Animal-to-Human Heart Connection (Video), click here.
Horses communicate their preferences, click here.
Study confirms horses talk to human handlers, click here.
Horses can recognize Human emotions, click here.
Norwegian researchers teach horses how to communicate their own choices! Verifiable communication! Click here for the article and data.
Study suggests emotional transfer between horse and human, click here.
Dogs Are Wired to be Man's Best Friend, click here.
The story of Anna Breytenbach and how a leopard known as Diabolo became Spirit, click here.
*For specific animal mediumship (animals in spirit) requests, Ginny highly recommends the services of Lauren Lee Sarlya. Her integrity is impeccable and her services are genuine, heartfelt and highly accurate. You can contact Lauren via email at .
*Adapted from an article written by Val Heart, MBA, PaC. A link to the article in its entirety can be found below.
Here are some important points that people should know about this work:
1) Realize that not all communicators are exactly alike. We are all unique individuals and have different skill sets.
2) No one can make your animals change if they don’t want to. Sometimes the problem isn’t with them; it’s with their diet, background, breeding, training, or situation. They always do what makes sense to them from their viewpoint. An animal communicator's job is to discover what their viewpoint is and then to work with you to help resolve the problem.
3) Realize what the job actually is: animal communicators are trained to listen telepathically to animals and animals are complicated - just like humans!
4) Everything we do is considered confidential.
5) Some problems simply aren’t fixable. If the animal does not want to change, or sees no reason to, they won’t.
6) What about skeptics? I encourage people and my students to be skeptical. You should listen and observe with your heart, but not be so open minded that you lose your common sense! Not everything that we receive telepathically is going to be 100% accurate; it’s unrealistic to expect it. The best psychics in the world are only about 80% accurate! Often times you will observe positive changes simply because you have chosen to honor them by communicating with them, asking for their perspective and demonstrating that you value their opinion.
7) If something feels off in your session or you are being told things you feel are not accurate, please, speak up! Don’t worry about hurting our feelings. Animals do not always give information in a linear fashion and can mix up past and present feelings and experiences. We would much rather have an opportunity to inquire further with the animal for clarification and be allowed to clarify comments than to have you go away unhappy, or doubting your experience.
8) Do your research and choose a few animal communicators that appeal to you.
9) Interview them; ask questions. How long have they been working as an animal communicator? Tell them a bit about what you are dealing with. Ask if they have worked with this kind of thing before. Listen to your own heart. This will help your peace of mind and feel that you will be working with someone caring and professional.
10) If at this point, all feels good to you, then make an appointment with the animal communicator. Many companion animals choose to spend their lives attempting to break through our barriers, help us heal, and become reconnected with all Life. Animal communication can change your life and improve the lives of your animal friends!
Click here for the complete and unedited article.
Formulated by Penelope Smith in 1990
Our motivation is compassion for all beings and a desire to help all species understand each other better, particularly to help restore the lost human ability to freely and directly communicate with other species.
We honor those that come to us for help, not judging, condemning, or invalidating them for their mistakes or misunderstanding but honoring their desire for change and harmony. We know that to keep this work as pure and harmonious as possible requires that we continually grow spiritually.
We realize that telepathic communication can be clouded or overlaid by our own unfulfilled emotions, critical judgments, or lack of love for self and others. We walk in humility, willing to recognize and clear up our own errors in understanding others’ communication (human and non-human alike). We cultivate knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of human, non-human, and interspecies behavior and relationships, to increase the good results of our work. We get whatever education and/or personal help we need to do our work effectively, with compassion, respect, joy, and harmony.
We seek to draw out the best in everyone and increase understanding toward mutual resolution of problems. We go only where we are asked to help, so that others are receptive and we truly can help. We respect the feelings and ideas of others and work for interspecies understanding, not pitting one side against another but walking with compassion for all. We acknowledge the things that we cannot change and continue where our work can be most effective.
We respect the privacy of people and animal companions we work with, and honor their desire for confidentiality. While doing our best to help, we allow others their own dignity and help them to help their animal companions.
We cultivate understanding and ability in others, rather than dependence on our ability. We offer people ways to be involved in understanding and growth with their fellow beings of other species.
We acknowledge our limitations, seeking help from other professionals as needed. It is not our job to name and treat diseases, and we refer people to veterinarians for diagnosis of physical illness. We may relay animals’ ideas, feelings, pains, symptoms, as they describe them or as we feel or perceive them, and this may be helpful to veterinary health professionals. We may also assist through handling of stresses, counseling, and other gentle healing methods. We let clients decide for themselves how to work with healing their animal companions’ distress, disease, or injury, given all the information available.
The goal of any consultation, lecture, workshop, or interspecies experience is more communication, balance, compassion, understanding, and communion among all beings. We follow our heart, honoring the spirit and life of all beings as One.
For more from Penelope Smith go to:
"...We wrapped up our session clearing some of the blocks that Playboy had. She walked me through the steps and I could feel the energy coursing from me to him as we worked together. After our session he followed me around like a puppy and felt much lighter and happier. It was an emotional experience and I can honestly say that our session with Ginny brought us even closer in our bond. She has an amazing gift and I highly recommend her." Brittany C.
"...I know there are many people in this industry that may take advantage of people, but Ginny is not one of them. I highly recommend her... She is selfless... I could not recommend her enough. My Sammie thanks her, because he is a different doggie. Thank you, Ginny, for helping us."
Charlotte M.
"Our experience working with Ginny has been nothing but positive. She is one of the most kind, caring and compassionate people we’ve had the privilege of meeting. Both my husband and I felt a very strong connection to her...
In the years that I’ve owned my horse General I have never seen him run, play or buck. He is running, jumping, rearing and rolling and he is as full of energy and life as I have ever seen him."
Amber B.
Blue was Ginny's personal horse, a rescue that everyone said could never be controlled and would kill her. He came to be the keystone to her healing herd of Medicine Horses on her ranch in Arizona. Blue was loved by all who met him. He challenged everyone, every day, to be their authentic self and live with integrity.
To read about how Beauty, Ginny's formerly wild mustang from the Little Book Cliffs HMA, came to live with her and follow Beauty's healing journey, click here.
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