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I hope you find something helpful in these fascinating conversations:
No, Ginny does not operate as a counselor in any capacity. Ginny teaches self awareness courses about the origin of thought and how to ask your own body and Higher Self questions about what is going on in your life. She also teaches energetic self-awareness, which everyone truly needs to know, but almost no one teaches.
Below are low cost options for licensed therapy, and grief counseling for the loss of a pet:
Licensed, low cost psychotherapy: from $30 - $60 per hour.
For grief counseling for the loss of a pet please consider Teresa Whalen who offers services at $225 per hour or $150 per half hour.
Although Ginny has trained extensively in multiple "shamanic" traditions, and her work includes multiple elements of "shamanism," she does not function as a "shamanic" practitioner.
For the most part, shaman (multi dimensional healers) actively do things to other people and their energy field; they remove and alter energies. This tradition is born from the outdated belief that shaman are the only ones who know how to heal you and they can or should be responsible for another person's health or well-being.
Ginny does not subscribe to this theory, or any protocol that does not empower another being to have a greater awareness of themselves and provide them with helpful tools to assist them on their journey in the future.
It is possible for Ginny to communicate with an animal who has crossed over, but it is not her primary focus to serve as a medium. It does sometimes happen spontaneously in client sessions with a living person or animal, but there is no guarantee as to who or what will spontaneously come through.
Ginny prefers not to accept clients who only wish to speak with a loved one in spirit, either human or animal, as functioning as a medium is not her primary focus. Her primary focus is to help living people and animals create better relationships and a better understanding of themselves.
Teresa Whalen is a gifted animal communicator and medium who offers grief counseling and mediumship. Teresa can be reached at at She charges $225 per hour or $150 per half hour.
Lauren Lee Sarlya is a gifted animal medium. Her integrity is impeccable and her services are genuine, heartfelt, and highly accurate. Lauren does not support real time, back and forth conversations. Instead, she connects with the animal and asks the questions you provide to her. She then presents you with a written statement after the conversation. You can contact Lauren via email at
It is not necessary to be in the same physical location as an animal or person to do this work. Animal Communication and Intuitive Sessions are facilitated over the telephone with you at a prearranged time.
Ginny does not work on people or animals in solitude. She requires her human clients and the owner/caretaker of an animal to be present and available, either on the phone or in person, for the entire session. Each animal's needs and concerns must be witnessed in order for the animal to trust the process and feel sufficiently heard. The animals all need to know that the things that are said to them during the session are accurate, and that they can trust the assurances made to them by their human caretaker will be honored.
Ginny has actually had an animal refuse to communicate with her because the requests the animal made in the prior conversation were not honored by the owner/caretaker. This was confirmed by the owner/caretaker.
There is no question that the effectiveness of a distance animal communication and intuitive session is equivalent to an in person session. If your animal is requesting further work, or would benefit from an in person session such as craniosacral, massage or chiropractic Ginny will relay those messages to you in your session.
There are resource pages on this site which list numerous sources of information for further research and to expand your understanding of numerous subjects.
To listen to a prerecorded message from Ginny about what to expect and how to prepare for a session with her, click here.
For lost animals Ginny highly recommends the services of Tim Link at Wagging Tales. Please click here for a link to Tim's website.
Many undesired behaviors arising from stress, pain, misunderstanding and more can be addressed through animal communication and energy healing, depending on the specific circumstances.
However, some behaviors are breed specific and can not be altered. Please research your animal's breed specific traits prior to booking a consultation to ensure that your expectations are not in conflict with your animal's natural instincts and genetic traits.
Please know that not all animals choose to change their behavior, but most are open to understanding our perspective and desire to maintain a well balanced home. In other words, most animals do want to please their human. However, animals who have experienced chronic stress or have experienced repeated traumatic events such as abandonment, starvation, abuse, multiple owners, etc. can take longer to heal.
Just like humans, these traumas are accumulated over time and generally can not be released in one or two sessions with any healer no matter how good they are. Because of this, Ginny does offer generous discounts for multiple sessions.
To listen to a prerecorded message from Ginny about what to expect and how to prepare for a session with her, click here.
What can I expect in a session with you?
Ginny’s primary focus is to assist people, as well as animals, in the release of unconscious programs and cellular memories energetically stored in the body. She also seeks to support the owner/caretaker and the animal in the formation of a closer bond through facilitating a deeper mutual understanding.
A session with Ginny will not only provide you with an opportunity to better understand your animal, it will also open a space for both of you to grow, heal and form new mindsets as well. Our animal companions almost always have messages than can help us in our lives -- and they are often spot on!
Ginny requires the owner/caretaker to be present and available for the entire telephone session. The animal's needs and concerns must be witnessed in order for the animal to feel heard.
All animals want to know that the things said to them during the session are accurate, and they can trust that the assurances made to them by their human caretaker will be honored.
A typical session is generally 50-60 minutes. This affords clients an experience they will always remember and allows adequate time for intellectual/situational validation as well. For this reason, and because she is dedicated to improving your relationship with your animal, Ginny keeps her fees at a very reasonable rate which is typically significantly less than other well known animal communicators.
Ginny is often presented with a request to speak with more than one animal in a one hour session. Although it is fairly common for a person's deceased animals to spontaneously come forward to share messages, which she is happy to relay, her policy is to honor one living person or animal at a time.
As stated above, it is not uncommon for one's deceased animals or family members to come forward in an animal communication session, and most often it happens at the beginning of the call. Due to this potential contact, Ginny prefers not to have any information about your animal prior to the call in order to allow the authentic flow of information.
Most of the animals Ginny works with have experienced trauma in the form of abuse of neglect at some point in their lives. It is important to allow adequate time for an authentic heart connection between the animal and her. This facilitates trust, honesty, an openness to energetic release and meaningful conversation which can assist in providing answers to questions from the human caretaker.
If all you want to know is what your animal's life was like before it lived with you, Ginny is most likely not the person you want to book a session with. Ginny embraces the perspective that animals are sovereign beings, just as humans are. She will not violate the memories and experiences of an animal simply because a human wants to know something. If memories are painful, or if an animal chooses not to divulge information, Ginny honors the animal's free-will choice not to answer. There are other methods of animal communication that retrieve information from the memories of animals, but Ginny does not support such methods. She feels it violates the animal's free-will choice and sovereignty.
Please remember: DO NOT provide any photos or information about your animal in your communication prior to having a session with Ginny. Other animal communicators often request information, Ginny does not. She prefers to connect to the animal and relay the information without any discussion of its past or present circumstances, or health issues. This provides a space for the animal to share its concerns without being influenced by the perspective of the owner/caretaker, which sometimes create confusion.
For additional information and research on this topic please see our Animal Communication Resource page which provides further information and includes the Code of Ethics Ginny abides by.
*Ginny does not provide grief counseling but she does recommend the highly respected services of Teresa Whalen at to assist in overcoming the loss of a pet.
*For lost animals Ginny highly recommends the services of Tim Link at Wagging Tales. Please click here for a link to Tim's website.
*For specific animal mediumship (animals in spirit) requests, Ginny highly recommends the services of Teresa Whalen who is a gifted animal communicator and medium. Teresa can be reached at at Additionally, Lauren Lee Sarlya also provides animal mediumship services. Her integrity is impeccable and her services are genuine, heartfelt and highly accurate. Lauren does not support back and forth conversations. She only provides a written transcript of her conversation with your pet based on questions you submit ahead of time. You can contact Lauren via email at
*Ginny does not claim an ability to heal any issues which require psychiatric or medical/veterinary intervention.
Please read about Ginny's complementary philosophy here.
Each animal communication session is intended for ONE living animal only. Please do not ask Ginny to communicate with multiple animals, alive or in spirit. Please respect this request.
There are many Holistic Veterinarians, Naturopathic Specialists and products to choose from. On our Resources page(s) we have listed several websites, books and authors as well as natural food, products and industry advocates.
Yes! We believe that all humans have the ability to open up to this language. Telepathic communication is a natural two-way exchange of information through thoughts, words, pictures and emotions that is available to all animals and humans.
Science has proven that these energies exist in the form of an unspoken universal language. This language provides us an opportunity to: honor them as sentient, self-aware and sovereign; understand their life experiences, perspectives and expectations; our to convey our circumstances, as well.
If you are interested in remembering how to speak this language, we will be happy to assist you. However, standalone animal communication classes are NOT offered. First, Ginny offers courses in human self-awareness and psychic energy management which are required to move onto animal communication training with her.
Please see a list of our available courses here.
To listen to a prerecorded message from Ginny about how she works, what to expect and how to prepare for an animal intuitive session with her, click here.
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