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"You not only opened my eyes, but my heart and I am so thankful! You have an incredible gift and talent." -Christina T. Danville, CA
"I love working with Ginny and the Singing Hord Herd. I love Ginny 's passion and integrity in her work and also love the fact that she always follows the energy instead of her plan. In the session Mama Sage said that she can help with self confidence and trust. It was also about revoking the agreement that if we ascend, we have to die. 3 weeks later, I suddenly decided to fly to [out of the country] feeling the urge to follow my heart and trust that abundance will continue to flow. Even if I had the money, I was in fear of not having enough in case of a problem. This was one week before the date of the conference. I loved being there and felt tremendous love, especially the last day of the conference. Also, the last night I stayed there, Zorra came into my dream. I saw her head and part of her body and this is the first time that I see one of the horses." -Carina H. Switzerland
Our Horse Wisdom program seeks to heighten our self awareness and enhance our healing journey by partnering with horses who have chosen to be messengers and teachers.
Ginny currently offers individual one hour Private Wisdom Sessions with the Singing Horse Herd of BC, Canada via Zoom.
Click here to be directed to the Singing Horse Herd website.
"Our Journey to Embodiment retreat with the Singing Horse Herd and Ginny was simply magical. The Herd masterfully guided the participants through both individual and group healing experiences spanning soul retrieval, deep level heart integration and the importance of SLEF care and creativity, to a profound group 6th dimensional aspect rel
"Our Journey to Embodiment retreat with the Singing Horse Herd and Ginny was simply magical. The Herd masterfully guided the participants through both individual and group healing experiences spanning soul retrieval, deep level heart integration and the importance of SLEF care and creativity, to a profound group 6th dimensional aspect release of beliefs and contracts around responsibility to others.
I was personally able to experience my own versions of wisdom and healing for all that was offered to other participants. I was also guided through a powerful expansion of my new normal energetic signature into all aspects of my body, my relationships with people, animals, the environment, my home and property and out into the world. I know the ripples from this session will continue to integrate and shift in the coming days. Huge hugs and deep gratitude to the herd and Ginny!"
-C. G.
"What appeared to happen during the first Singing Horse Herd retreat for me - that the horses said a few words and sang for me - has completely changed my entire life.
My experience with these horses is shifting and shaping and changing so completely in apparent time that it is impossible to put into words."
-D. W.
"My session with the Herd
"What appeared to happen during the first Singing Horse Herd retreat for me - that the horses said a few words and sang for me - has completely changed my entire life.
My experience with these horses is shifting and shaping and changing so completely in apparent time that it is impossible to put into words."
-D. W.
"My session with the Herd and Ginny was and is deeply revealing and healing in ways I know, yet can’t fully express now. And haven’t fully experienced yet.
Ginny’s gifts are many and exceptional. Her view of our healing journey as humans in connection with all beings mirrors mine which is so helpful; heart centered and leading from and with love… A heart full of gratitude to the Herd, Ginny, and Jini for this precious gift."
– C.R
I just wanted to thank you for yesterday's offering [with the herd]. I did actually experience something while the horses were singing the first time. I'm going through a divorce right now and even prior to that have been on my own spiritual journey. I felt during the horses' singing this sense of hope, which hasn't been easy lately, and release - I haven't mourned much during this divorce period and felt such a huge rush of emotion, crying actually, which I haven't done in a long time.
I moved out of my home and started this new job all in a matter of a week. I recognize that going through such a difficult period can leave one open to all kinds of things so I've been practicing what I've learned in a very brief period from you nearly daily. So, thanks again for yesterday. May you have a blessed day.
- M. N.
"My experience working with the Singing Horse Herd was deeply profound. The order in which the horses chose to work with us or share a message was clearly intentional and guided by the divine wisdom of the herd. My soul was healing on multiple levels, first through witnessing another participant's work, then through an incredible unexpect
"My experience working with the Singing Horse Herd was deeply profound. The order in which the horses chose to work with us or share a message was clearly intentional and guided by the divine wisdom of the herd. My soul was healing on multiple levels, first through witnessing another participant's work, then through an incredible unexpected healing in which all our souls had the opportunity to release old limiting beliefs.
When the horses shared and supported me, the previous work allowed me to see and heal an issue that I was totally unaware of. This experience will have an everlasting effect on my journey. And while I lack words to describe the song, I could hear the horse singing with my heart and inner ear. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to participate in a session with the SHH."
-E. W.
A three minute description of the wisdom sessions with the Singing Horse Herd. For more information please click the blue link below to view a ten minute video with Ginny and Jini, the Herd caretaker.
Please enjoy this free one hour workshop with the Singing Horse Herd and Ginny. They offer a tremendous amount of wisdom and love for all who participate!
Horses are currently being recognized for the sentient and compassionate souls they have always been. Over the past 30 years many therapeutic programs structured around the horse as a teacher have been developed. Remarkable energetic shifts have been proven to occur in a person's energy field when connecting to the magnetic energy field of a healthy horse.
In partnership with willing and healthy horses, Ginny allows the horses to guide the session. She does this through her unique ability to receive and share the ancient wisdom, often referred to as "Horse Medicine." Traditionally, in equine facilitated healing, horses have been facilitated by a human being from a mind/body perspective and is based on the movements and physical interactions of the horse and client. Experience for yourself how Ginny blends her animal communication skills and unique intuitive abilities to offer an exciting NEW paradigm in equine facilitated healing with the Singing Horse Herd as we partner with the Divine Wisdom of YOUR HIGHER SELF.
Why horses? Horses carry an ancient wisdom which allows us to feel safe and vulnerable at the same time. They come to us with no agenda and make no judgments based on appearances or our circumstances. Horses have no attachment to our choices, they simply accept us for who we are, and will do just about anything for us when there is a willingness to create heart centered partnership.
We don’t need to know anything about horses to be powerfully affected by their wisdom and gentle presence! The horses Ginny works with are masters at identifying our trapped emotions and unhealed wounds that effect our lives and hold us back. Where we struggle to identify these blocks within ourselves, horses can access the deepest and most vulnerable parts of us. They help us to remember that we can release the patterns that are perpetuated by hidden fears, doubts, unforgiveness and beliefs that we may have been holding onto since early childhood.
As we experience the energetic presence of horses, we quickly realize they are masters at teaching us self-awareness. They can perceive our intentions and amplify our strengths, bringing us to a forgotten place of authenticity, presence, and peace.
The ancient wisdom of the horse allows us to recognize the individual power and gentle strength in a harmonious herd environment. They embody unity, balance, freedom and connection with their herd members. In their presence, they help us to remember to connect to our heart through their unspoken language. This is the true magic of Horse Wisdom.
We invite you to experience all of this and more. Rediscover your true self, reconnect to your heart and remember that, like the horse, we are all an infinite Spirit in a physical body.
“When you follow your heart, you lead with love.” ~Ginny Jablonski
Ginny has studied multiple human and animal energy healing techniques. She is an intuitive animal communicator, clairvoyant and multidimensional shamanic practitioner. She has chosen to combine all of this knowledge, in partnership with horses, to offer a unique healing program for the benefit of both humans and animals alike.
Ginny also facilitates in person Horse Wisdom Retreats with her partners in Maryland, California, and Colorado.
"Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for Ginny’s help in my family. My beautiful boy has struggled with extreme anger and frustration for a few years now. One thing led to another and while we accomplished a lot on our own I realized I needed some help. This has been an incredibly traumatic time; we were at a point where he was having 5 or 6 major physical fits a day. I knew this was beyond what I understood, and was guided to Ginny from another healer who thought she could help.
Not only has Ginny been able to help us by successfully peeling back the layers needed to deeply heal and reconstruct our lives, she has provided me with the tools I needed to understand we are all capable of healing ourselves, and taught me that love is the strongest force in the Universe. We are definitely on the path of healing and transformation. There are even days with no fits now and our quality of life has vastly improved. My son even told me he knows his soul purpose is about love, he is 5 by the way.
Recently, we were blessed to experience a healing with one of her horses, Apache, for my son. This was truly a miraculous and beautiful event that I will never forget. My son has realized he can communicate and hear animals. Because of Ginny, many doors have opened in our lives, and I am forever grateful. We are just a few of the many people this woman has touched and healed.
Many thanks, Ginny!
--Annetta K.
Additional testimony added later:
Ginny, I have my boy back! His temperament has cooled way down. He's been able to entertain himself, play, draw and allow me to work! Before when he would have freaked out over little things he's actually handling them today! Thank you.”
Things have been extremely hectic on my end since our session with the horses the other night, but I definitely wanted to let you know how much I appreciated and benefited from the session! In so many ways.
The work we did to release the need to experience unworthiness (for me) and to release [my mare] from her unhelpful guide has opened up so much that is now available for both/all of us to step into!
The morning after our session [my mare] offered me the most loving/appreciative embrace, and then she had two days to herself to process and shape-shift into her new way of being and operating. She seemed a bit rigid (that's the best word I can think of to describe the energetic feel of it) the second day but is in a beautiful, clear, lovely energetic place today.
I had a session with clients with the herd this morning and there was a definite shift in the way [she] "held space" for the gentle healing that was wanting and needing to take place. She did not take responsibility for it. She allowed the participants to lean into their own feelings and experiences. And she was brilliant.
Still her loving, gentle self but... more evolved, nuanced, confident and free-er in her choices around knowing when NOT to absorb what others' needed to feel and own.
I am pressed for time even now, but I did want to reach out and let you know not only how much I valued and appreciated the session, but that both [she] and I are leaning into the spaciousness it opened up.
Looking forward to the follow-up session.
Blue was Ginny's personal horse, a rescue that everyone said could never be controlled and would kill her. He came to be the keystone to her healing herd of Medicine Horses on her ranch in Arizona. Blue was loved by all who met him. He challenged everyone, every to be their authentic self and live with integrity.
Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Ginny Jablonski - All Rights Reserved
Certified Level 2 Cognomovement Practitioner 2020